Purchasing Rick Perry campaign apparel prior to him actually announcing his candidacy. TFM.

  1. Southern Broptist

    These comments are full of Yankees. None of you understand the state of Texas nor what it takes to govern her. Our Governor Rick Perry has led a state during 7 destructive tropical systems, millions of acres burning due to the worst drought in Texas history, balanced budgets while working with 6 different legislative sessions while maintaining a Rainy Day fund of around 9 billion and creating nearly 800,000 jobs.

    14 years ago at 9:42 am
  2. Taylor S

    Rick Perry is a fool. He and Mitt Romney are the exact same guy. They both spew information they don’t mean and are just in it to have the power and be in the White House. Ron Paul is old as shit, but the man is smart. He’s been involved in politics for over 30 years and the only TRUE constitutional republican candidate. The media and left wings are against him. Every point he made in the debate was exactly what the people want. Small government, lower taxes, protect the borders. Shit that needs to happen and with an idiot left-wing in the White House, none of these issues are going to be resolved. Let’s just raise the debt ceiling so we can borrow even more money, that’ll fix everything.

    14 years ago at 5:12 pm