1. BROnonia_Docet

    anyone else getting Chili’s ads lately? I know its usually that advertising that goes off your search history, but I haven’t been on Chili’s website…

    I think the Chili’s guy is up to something.

    13 years ago at 8:12 pm
    1. ksig565

      Maybe the Chili’s guy is one of the interns. Then you would know that the site is dead if that would happen. I just get Knockaround and Pickaroo.com ads.

      13 years ago at 12:14 pm
  2. Fratdaddydelux

    Drinkin’ beer in the hot sun
    I fought the law and I won
    I needed sex and I got mine
    I fought the law and I won
    The law don’t mean shit if you’ve got the right friends
    That’s how this country’s run

    13 years ago at 3:32 pm