Tallapoosa Snu No, very much good deal happy savings. You make good happy give credit card number. Not much dollars make good you have clothing. I buy, do very much compliment good fortune. Buy now no wait clothes sold quickly! 13 years ago at 5:04 pm
Bows and Hoes Am I the only person who realizes this means switching from doggy to PIB without fair warning? 13 years ago at 6:55 pm
Fuck you, you GDI pussy
13 years ago at 9:59 pmsomeone has a little too much sand in his vagina
13 years ago at 10:44 pm^ intern get on this shit, this isn’t FML we pay retail
13 years ago at 4:26 pmNo, very much good deal happy savings.
13 years ago at 5:04 pmYou make good happy give credit card number.
Not much dollars make good you have clothing.
I buy, do very much compliment good fortune.
Buy now no wait clothes sold quickly!
Am I the only person who realizes this means switching from doggy to PIB without fair warning?
13 years ago at 6:55 pm