Smoking weed because it "broadens your mind, and allows you to see things from another perspective." NF. Smoking weed because you're hammered at a party and some random guy says "Hey, you wanna hit this?" TFM.

  1. Doogie Fratter MD

    Fuck that shit. Dropping acid because it “broadens your mind, and allows you to see things from another perspective.” TFM. Weed doesn’t do shit except for get rid of hangovers and make me feel normal again.

    13 years ago at 8:37 am
  2. JT

    why would you ever be at a party “with some random guy” only geeds dont know the guys at their parties because the only guys at my parties are my brothers…but, smoking weed is faf because it’s just one more method of getting beyond fucked up.

    13 years ago at 8:59 am
  3. Sig Fratling

    You’ll probably end up living under a bridge somewhere after fucking up your father’s business and losing the family fortune. Weed. NF. Or intelligent.

    13 years ago at 11:18 am
    1. Kenny_Powers

      Well considering his dad works at Waffle House, the family fortune could be blown pretty damn easily if you don’t stick to the dollar menu.

      13 years ago at 11:29 am