God Bless the Confederate States of America.

  1. Kaydee2524

    you really let that laundry basket get over filled like that?! totally NS… but cute attire

    14 years ago at 10:10 pm
  2. CapnSpoon

    The confederate flag is FaF.
    Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking geed who needs a few months of getting the living shit hazed out of him to correct this inaccurate worldview.

    14 years ago at 11:04 pm
  3. 214 Westwood

    I am from Upstate New York, and have a lot of pride in where I live and grew up, however any fellow Northerner who thinks the USA would not be a better country if the South would have won, is just lying to themselves.

    14 years ago at 7:47 am
  4. deruvo15

    yea. lets promote a group that promoted the use of slavery and fought, killed to try and keep this abomination in play… and they lost to the NORTH. go confederates…

    14 years ago at 1:57 am