Boehner going on a rant in the house telling the libs to get off their lazy asses and actually do something other than fucking whine. TFM.

    1. Wilco Frat

      Yeah, there’s a difference between supporting your party and being completely uninformed.

      13 years ago at 9:35 pm
    2. Slick Back Frat

      Are you kidding me? Congress has passed two different bills to end the crisis. The Democrats have shot both of them down basically because they want to raise taxes and don’t want a balanced budget amendment. All the Dems are talking about is how we have to compromise and the Republicans aren’t doing shit, when in reality the Republicans have passed multiple bills and are definitely compromising.

      13 years ago at 9:36 am
    1. BroTwoHearted

      And that why this site has gone way down hill. Because liberals like you are now on it.

      13 years ago at 1:21 pm
    2. ForresterSig

      ^hahahahahhah. Goddamn look at that name. “piker is a bitch”. Man… I am definitely taking this way to far but I don’t give a fuck. That shit’s funny.

      13 years ago at 12:17 am
  1. JakeD

    Boehner actually told the GOP to get their asses in line. Check your source. Obama hasn’t done jack-shit to ANY bill. The Senate has to pass it before he can say no to it, but they can’t even do that.

    13 years ago at 5:52 pm
  2. Republican Prodigy

    It’s a fucking TFM post, not an op-ed. Get your heads out of your asses. I’m referring to a brief 10 second clip on FOX news of Boehner kind of being a dick while addressing the house and looking democrats right in the eyes ranting on about how republicans keep on creating legislation and plan after plan, while all the democrats do is bitch about all of the Republican plans. And at that point in time, not a single democrat had created a single piece of legitimate legislation toward the debt crisis. Yes, Boehner did also yell at the GOP, he also “bitched and moaned”. Hell, maybe he also railed a couple of lines and interns before he went out there, but who gives a fuck because it still has nothing to do with what I was saying.

    13 years ago at 10:11 pm