University Of Mississippi Contemplating Ditching “Ole Miss” Nickname Due To Racial Connotations

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A small group of students and faculty recently voiced their displeasure with the University of Mississippi’s well-known nickname, “Ole Miss.” They feel that the name has a negative connotation.

From IJReview:

UM’s longstanding nickname is beloved by the vast majority of its students and alumni. But a few, especially some university faculty, are uncomfortable with it. Some don’t want it used at all and some simply don’t want it used with the academic context.

The university completed a national study about the name “Ole Miss” during the last year and found the vast majority of respondents don’t attach any meaning to it other than an affectionate name for the university.

In fact, a significant margin likes and prefers the “Ole Miss” name. And a very small percentage of respondents associate the university, either as “Ole Miss” or “University of Mississippi,” with negative race issues.

“Ole Miss” is so engrained into the university that email addresses are [student] and not [student]

It’s important to note that those who associate the nickname with the school’s checkered history also associate the actual name of the school, the University of Mississippi, the same way.

So what–the university is supposed to just rename itself because of its complicated past?

Look, I’m all for taking steps to change things that are downright racist or cause universal discomfort, but I just don’t get this. The university is taking other steps that make much more sense, like renaming “Confederate Drive” to “Chapel Row.” The school is also opening a Center for Inclusion and Cross Cultural Engagement. Those are great moves, but losing the nickname “Ole Miss?” Seems unnecessary.

I remember when Mississippi’s biggest problem was finding a new mascot.

Now that was a hot-button issue.

[via IJReview]

Image via Youtube

  1. fratchetpussy

    When I think ole miss I think racism, but not because its called ole miss. If they want to change the stereotypes the students should stop harassing minorities.

    10 years ago at 7:44 pm
  2. HottyToddyParty

    The history of the school is racist, the history of the state is racist, the history of anything below the Mason-Dixon line is racist. But its just the history, not the present. I believe if you change too much of history, eventually we forget it (doubt anyone will forget slavery) but it could happen. And history is bound to repeat itself. So why change it? why not learn from it, and keep it in the past? Ole Miss (the name) doesn’t really have racial connotations to many individuals or groups anymore, we all know how it originated but i don’t believe too many people automatically think of that. We all think of the University, not that it is how the masters wife was referred too. IF ANYTHING, we should change “The University of Mississippi” to Ole Miss. it sounds better than “UMiss” and is more recognized. Shouldn’t have even changed colonel reb to this current black bear. If Ole miss gets changed before the Washington Redskins i would be so disappointed in the school, the country, etc. We are moving closer and closer to becoming France. Fucking liberals. Can’t wait until Texas leaves the union, and then shortly after the entire South.

    10 years ago at 10:47 pm
  3. 21st Century Goose

    If members of the student body find Ole Miss racist, OK, fine, I disagree but that’s your opinion. But if you find “University of Mississippi” to be racist, then why the fuck are you a student there?

    10 years ago at 1:32 am
  4. Frattylightrebels

    What pussy liberals digged that far in their ass to find some unmeaningful shit that they think should be changed. Fuck that

    10 years ago at 8:27 am
  5. KKK Recitation Leader

    I think the real issue is none of my black students come to class. What do you liberal hipsters have to say to that?

    10 years ago at 9:02 am
  6. Ragin Beta Archon

    My wise Gmother always said, “naggers are going to try to take over the world”.

    10 years ago at 11:25 am
  7. Crimstontidefratstar

    Black people: “Racism doesn’t offend me because I’m above their level of intelligence.” Me: “THEN QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT!”

    10 years ago at 6:17 pm
    1. DirtyJobsWithMikeBro

      Black people: “All white people are awful!”
      Liberals: “Wow! How progressive!”

      White people: “All black people are awful!”
      Liberals: “Wow! How backwards and racist!”

      I swear, if you want to find true racism, go to predominantly black communities. The people are extremely racist, but no one cares. When white people say the things these black people say, they are exiled because they are racist.

      10 years ago at 12:38 am