Knowing the Rangers would've been World Champs if they would've put Nolan in to close it last night. TFM.

  1. The Banquet Beer

    You probably only say that because you read all of the posts on this site saying how fratty the Rangers are, you bandwagon fuck.

    13 years ago at 10:48 pm
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I hope Josh Hamilton and Ron Washington both fall off the wagon tonight. The Rangers are full of geeds, fuck em!

    13 years ago at 10:50 pm
    1. Because its FaF

      No…Fuck you TXfuture FRAT. Sorry your pussy team lost 2 years in a row and is still without a championship. By the way if you were wondering the Cards now have 11 (I know you weren’t wondering, but I like being a dick about it).

      13 years ago at 11:40 pm
  3. rainbowsociety

    and if bob gibson were playing, he would probably still be throwing a no hitter by the 8th.

    i don’t see where we’re going with this.

    13 years ago at 11:18 pm
  4. Twentyfourseven

    But, Texas, like usual, sucks a big dick and chokes when it really matters. Texas is the red headed step child of U.S. states. The rest of us just beat it over in and over hoping it eventually gets the hint. Sadly, it never does. One big trailer park.

    13 years ago at 12:46 am
    1. Bausch85

      Texas is the best! It’s so cool that people leave states they’re from to live there and then they act like they’re from there. Probably because of that awful Friday night lights show.

      13 years ago at 9:26 am
    2. TakeALap

      Get back to California you cock sucking piece of shit. Your username “twentyfourseven” resembles how often n.igger cocks are in you and your mother’s ass in one day. If anyone knows about trailer parks, it’s your excuse for a mom working the local park’s corner with meth rocks in her pocket, and gonorrhea oozing from her massive meat flaps. I hope you fall down stairs in your near future.

      13 years ago at 5:59 pm
  5. TheYOUofA

    Missouri is gay. They suck. Not SEC material. Why do you think Mike Anderson left? He hated that God awful fucksaken excuse for a college.

    13 years ago at 2:37 am
    1. ummfrat

      Well the honkey tonks in Texas were my natural second home,
      Where you tip your hats to the ladies, and the Rose of San Antone

      13 years ago at 10:54 am
    1. ice cold frat

      ^wait, if Missouri is all inbred, and you’re going to fuck our girls, then you’re fucking an in-bred. TFM?

      13 years ago at 12:52 pm