Hey GDI, your chacos make me want to vom. TSM.

  1. Sratsville, TX

    Growing up I’m Austin, only the weird hippie GDIs wore chacos. Those things are gross; they make your feet look awkward, and if you’re a “man”, I don’t want to see your nasty feet.

    14 years ago at 7:03 am
    1. Nikes&pearls

      I grew up in Austin too. You’re crazy, UT fratstars rock chacos day-in and day-out.

      14 years ago at 10:40 am
    2. Diesel Frat

      Nothing about UT is frat, I grew up in Austin, got outta that GDI hippie town asap. UT doesn’t even have a Greek row!

      14 years ago at 9:37 am
  2. LiveFratDieFrat

    If you like getting a bumpkin from your slampiece before class you nut up and wear sperrys, if you like beer cans thrown at you from our lawn while we chant GDI over and over, regardless if you are one or not, wear Chacos

    14 years ago at 7:54 am
  3. Fratlantic Brocean

    Chacos are not frat. Chacos are for hippies that like to go hiking. Hiking is for GDIs who cant afford to live near water, and no, lakes dont count.

    Everyone knows that real fratting is done on the coast.

    14 years ago at 11:34 am
  4. bro montana

    all the beer and makers I’m drinking on a Wednesday night makes me want to “vom.”…..just kidding I do this every night

    14 years ago at 11:10 pm