The Michele Bachmann campaign calls my parents every day because they know how much they gave to W. TFM.

  1. Karl Rove Republican

    This is a fake post. The contribution limit to an individual candidate is somewhere around $2,300, and the party doesn’t like to give out lists of its regular contributors to primary candidates. In any case, no one should give a dime to Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, or anyone else besides Rick Perry. He’s the only viable candidate, and he needs to go ahead and just announce and clean house so he can go ahead and end Obama’s career.

    13 years ago at 2:58 pm
    1. Q Todd Dickinson

      90% spot-on, bro.

      While parties, generally, won’t do shit for a contested primary, all contributions are public record.

      Where you are further correct: Batshit Bachmann, Old-News Newt, and Mormon Mitt are completely dead in the water in a general election. Perry looks like Reagan compared to the rest of the crowd.

      13 years ago at 4:53 pm