Shit, the one Christmas Eve present I opened was socks... just kidding, 2 tickets to the BCS National Championship in Glendale. Go Ducks! TFM.


      Yeah, screw you SEC!! You maybe the best football conference in America, but you pick on us silly bitches in the pac 10. I’m a MAN, I’M 20…leave sexy Broin alone! Hey Broin, care to 69 while watching Two and a halfmen on blu ray and listen to return of the quack? GO DUCKIES!!! Yay!!!

      14 years ago at 8:34 am
  1. FratFratFratty

    I’m thinking I would rather get socks that tickets to go cheer on the ducks. Have fun GDI. I’ll be calling the HOGS in NOLA! WOOO PIG SOOIE!

    14 years ago at 12:24 am
    1. Grand Bro Party

      hahahaha! well put sir. I think TFM allows these certain TFMs like this to be posted just so everyone can tear them a new asshole.

      14 years ago at 12:37 am
    1. Man Bear Bro

      Taking an opportunity to bash on geeds and using it to bash another fraternity = NF. Go fuck a big blue alien you douche.

      14 years ago at 12:34 am
    2. Phenom

      Ahh yes because putting the word bro into a name makes you so sophisticated and unique. Hating on other frats for no apparent reason=NF

      14 years ago at 12:36 am
    3. Quazi BROdo

      WHOA!!! Dont throw us under the bus b/c of this geed… Fuck him and his affliction Lamichael James replica jersey

      14 years ago at 1:23 am