Dropping in on the Lake Shasta retreat in style. TFM.

  1. jmt

    Jumpin straight into that vomit from a couple pictures up. Even more reason to hate Oregon.

    13 years ago at 1:21 pm
  2. KSigAndCopenhagen

    “hey rich neighbor, let me take a picture of you flyin ur chopper down by my trailer so I can post it on this website and look like a badass.”

    13 years ago at 4:39 pm
    1. Fratbrosephine

      “Hey Tard, I don’t see one trailer, nor do any trailers exist anywhere near Lake Shasta”

      13 years ago at 4:45 pm
    2. KSigAndCopenhagen

      Damn, did you come up with that all on your own? Or are you just a try-hard dumbass who doesn’t know sarcasm when it kicks you in the clit?

      13 years ago at 5:34 pm
    1. judgebrobrown

      Shasta Lake is closest to Redding, CA which has butt-fuck as far as colleges go. Normally greeks from U of O, OSU, UC Davis and a few others come out for slaughterhouse though.

      13 years ago at 11:34 pm
  3. Bob Barker is my bro

    Oregon trips to Lake Shasta are filled with the biggest piece of shit gdi fucks

    13 years ago at 8:56 am