Our fraternity house is not brand new, is not clean, and it doesn't have beautiful white columns in front or landscaped shrubs around the yard. In other words, it doesn't look like a sorority house. TFM.

  1. MSU Tazewell

    It’s funny how the same 7 people post overly negative comments on every TFM. It’s clear you guys are either GDIs, or belong to some bottom-tier frat on campus. If you were as wealthy and as fratty as you claim to be, you’d be out fratting your balls off, shacking with slampieces, and being a fucking man. Spending three hours a day ripping on TFMs makes you no cooler than some geed in his mom’s basement playing world of warcraft.

    14 years ago at 11:29 pm
  2. BeauxDixon

    Im about to give up on TFM because of the influx of classless posts, feeling the need to brag about your wealth, or sexual prowess NF. Knowing what a true Gentleman is and is not TFM. In short pretend like youve actually spent time in high society instead of making preposterous statements and miss representing the ideals of a Fraternity man

    14 years ago at 12:59 am
  3. Frat it up

    So in other words your chapter is so shitty you didnt get any pledges? or is that just how the gdi state of california is in general?

    14 years ago at 3:10 am
  4. Bush

    All good things must come to an end. And with this post and knowing that it got through. TFM has come to and end. RIP TFM. You were great.

    14 years ago at 10:48 am