1. SAE 1856

    You can’t even afford a seat in the grandstands… look at who you are associating with in the background.

    14 years ago at 9:08 pm
    1. Kiawah Island

      Well spotted, and it ooks like he sat on it too. Way to have entirely to much mint sticking out as well…

      14 years ago at 7:55 am
  2. Order up

    People who speak ill of the infield have clearly never been. I’d rather rage with 50 thousand people than sit up in the grandstands.

    14 years ago at 10:26 pm
    1. Fratty since 1839

      Seconded. That being said, I think they should motion to ban cargo shorts and T-shirts because I saw far too many.

      14 years ago at 10:30 pm
    2. Brolysses S Grant

      Really because I raged pretty fucking hard up in the grandstands so I don’t really give a shit what the infield is like.

      14 years ago at 10:23 pm
  3. Beauregard Fratson

    i refuse to believe this is the derby. every person in this picture is a geed, this picture is just about as NF as they come.

    14 years ago at 1:45 am
  4. booze haze slam

    So you crouched over and bent down to take your own pic? haha,geed! your representing fraternities and you have no coat tie or a belt? I could care less about the drink and cigar, oh wait the cigar. yeah you look like your sucking it wayyy to hard dude! its not a dick!

    14 years ago at 6:25 am
    1. Rebel yell

      Get the fuck off of here, all you do is troll to make you feel better about yourself.

      14 years ago at 1:54 pm