Not breaking eye contact with the sweet old lady working at CVS as she rings up your condoms. TFM.

  1. Karl Welzein

    Never breakin’ eye contact with your Oh-la-la babe when makin carnal passions to her is how bad boys do it, you guys.

    12 years ago at 5:45 pm
  2. Cupid

    Actually buying them to use them on her. but having to pop a Viagra bc you too are 70 with mild back problems, and a fake hip.

    12 years ago at 5:49 pm
    1. itsDallin

      I didn’t know Viagra treated back problems and a fake hip, but I guess Cupid would know. Thanks or correcting me. Also, please shoot and arrow with my name on it in the direction of AJ McCarron’s girlfriend.

      12 years ago at 6:01 pm
    2. right or wrong

      shoot an arrow toward aj mccarron for me …i mean his girlfriend TclosethomosexualM

      12 years ago at 6:18 pm
    1. Today I Fratted

      Well you see Dalton, when a sailor is on the high seas in search of exotic tang, said tang is likely rife with all sorts of stds unheard of in the non-savage world. Therefore, packing a few raincoats is highly recommended.

      12 years ago at 10:23 am