Frat got shut down for "unruly behavior involving alcohol." TFM. I'm now a GDI. FML.

  1. FRATology (the study of frat)

    good thing you have a brother that started a new frat. (Beta Rho Omicron: BRO) tfm

    15 years ago at 2:46 am
    1. FRATology (the study of frat)

      yeah you wouldn’t understand…go be the superhero of the dining halls GDI

      15 years ago at 2:30 am
    1. frats domino

      arent any of your fathers legacy’s? just have him transfer you the money from the over seas fund.

      15 years ago at 12:18 am
  2. Broseph Goebbels

    Teach your fucking slam pieces to give dome shots before they get life flighted out of the party.

    15 years ago at 9:31 pm
  3. Fratty Bumppo

    Getting kicked off campus twice in two years, then getting refounded once again 15 years later. TFM.

    14 years ago at 9:36 pm