USC Coach Steve Sarkisian Gets Turnt Up At Kickoff Event, Gets Escorted Out By AD Pat Haden

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Last night, Steve Sarkisian was apparently getting after it at USC’s “Salute to Troy” kickoff event. He let loose, threw back drinks with no regard for mankind, dropped F-bomb after F-bomb during his speech, and was eventually escorted out of the building by Athletic Director Pat Haden and former Trojans Head Coach John McKay.

Love it. If I’m a player or a recruit, I’m ready to suit up and run through a fucking brick wall for this man. I don’t want this kind of behavior in my head ball coach, I NEED it. “Seven Win Steve” is a true players coach, which I’ll take over some old-school, uptight, joyless hardass like the Todd Grahams of the world every day of the week.

If you have a problem with the face of your program getting rowdy at a banquet dinner, shit-talking the competition, and firing out dildo jokes to attendees, you’re undoubtedly the same unbearable slapdick traditionalist that is calling for excessive celebration whenever a player doesn’t immediately hand the ball back to the referees. There’s a reason no one invites you over on Saturdays.

Keep on keeping on, Steve.

[via Lost Letterman]

Image via Youtube

  1. NY Frock Exchange

    Liberals might be the reason we can’t have nice things but Coach sark is the reason we can have nice things. Good job as always Dan

    9 years ago at 3:28 pm
  2. tauptier

    Now I can’t read articles about people named Steve without getting mad. Fuck you steveholt

    9 years ago at 3:30 pm
  3. The_PutterThrow1858

    This website has forever ruined the name Steve for me. Now every time I hear the name Steve my immediate reflex is ” Yeah! Fuck that guy.”

    9 years ago at 3:39 pm
    1. geed_N_proud

      Steve Jobs
      Steve Carell
      Steve Buscemi
      Steve Martin
      Stone Cold “Steve” Austin
      Steve Earle
      Steve Forbes
      Steve Irwin
      Steve Nash
      Steve Smith
      Steve Harvey

      9 years ago at 3:49 pm
      1. George Dickel

        Q: Whats the difference between Steve Holt and Steve Irwin?
        A: Steve Irwin didn’t deserve to die.

        9 years ago at 7:21 pm
      2. George Dickel

        Also, don’t forget Steve Winwood. With songs like Higher Love and Valerie his spot on the is a no-brainer.

        9 years ago at 7:34 pm