I get buck when I party because I know the does want me. TFM.

  1. tall in stature.... rich in hue

    A doe is a female deer you geeds, I’m a california sorostitute and even I got that…..

    14 years ago at 11:37 pm
  2. Fratitize me Capn'

    The only thing worse than a TSM is one of Cha Lee’s many “TFMs”.

    14 years ago at 8:31 am
  3. Boozin Blazin & Hazin

    I don’t know about yall but I’m starting to believe Cha Lee is a geed.

    14 years ago at 8:59 am
  4. SouthFrat

    This took me a minute but I finally get it. Cha Lee, from one Texan to another, you’re trying to hard to post funny shit.

    14 years ago at 9:48 am
  5. Kappa Alpha Order

    this could be the stupidest thing i’ve read in a while. i think i speak for everyone when i say thanks for the input to the website “cha lee” but you’re going to have to leave.

    14 years ago at 3:00 pm