1. Frat Madness

    Things that make this NF: Baggy jeans, gym shoes, block letter shirt, backwards flatbill. Also, that girls sorority (if she’s in one) probably ends with the word Inc. NF

    14 years ago at 4:28 am
  2. Don Draper

    “Sweet, this girl looks just like one of the creatures on my world of warcraft game!”

    14 years ago at 10:05 am
  3. The Aristofrat

    After Hours of Pushing, the Great Beast Finally Shit out the World’s littlest Geed…

    14 years ago at 7:52 pm
  4. fuckGDIs

    whats NF about this picture you ask?

    well these guys dress like geeds and nothing in this picture is worth more than 30 bucks, including that girl the midget is dancing with

    14 years ago at 4:14 pm
  5. BrosephGoebbels

    listen if your letters look ANYTHING similar to his, Kill yourselfs you gdi’s. its just getting sad

    14 years ago at 1:42 pm
    1. BrosephGoebbels

      yourselves^ my fratberry or my spellcheck pledge normally checks my spelling..

      14 years ago at 1:46 pm
  6. Tom Petty Jr

    I’ve never had one, but I’m pretty sure this is what happens when you drink a Four Loko.

    14 years ago at 3:02 pm