Being that guy at a wedding that everybody loves, yet nobody knows. TFM.

    1. funnymotherfucker

      Oh really Bigotted Douchebag? He sounds like a bitch? Did you hear him say anything? No, you didn’t so actually his comment reads like a bitch wrote it. Unless of course you used the speech function on your computer, but you wouldn’t know anything about that since you’re probably using a library computer because you cannot afford your own.

      13 years ago at 9:12 pm
    1. Sweet Tea and Bows

      No, sir. I guess I’m not the kind of girl who goes for guys who replace letters with numbers in their TFM usernames.

      13 years ago at 9:44 pm
    2. Pledges Eat Me

      Anyone catch the new episode of MTV’s MADE? Yeah, me neither but T3XASMAD3 was supposedly on there some time recently when he was MADE from a 15 year old less fortunate black kid straight into an all-American FRATSTAR, the only thing he forgot to fix up was his TFM username. TotalShitHitTheFanMoveAndYouMissedYourChanceMove

      13 years ago at 11:38 pm
    3. Sweet Tea and Bows

      Now, I’m sure T3XASMAD3 is a really nice guy.. Wait, who am I kidding? Forceful try hards? NF.

      13 years ago at 8:26 pm
  1. RushmoreNeedsReagan

    Something about the Wedding Crashers theme isn’t sitting right with me. Maybe it is the geeds that crash a great American family’s wedding. If I was the Secretary, I would have let my son in law kill them after all.

    13 years ago at 10:19 pm