VIDEO: GoPro Wearing ISIS Member Takes A Bullet To The Dome

VIDEO- GoPro Wearing ISIS Member Takes A Bullet To The Dome

What you’re about to watch is a member of ISIS capturing war footage of an Iraqi Army assault on their position. Presumably thinking that everything indeed looks cooler on a GoPro, he strapped one to his head and hit the battle scene. The Iraqi Army carried out an onslaught and took this guy down. While it wasn’t America taking him down, it’s always a win when one more terrorist drops. Props, Iraqi Army.

Warning: It’s not gory or anything, but someone does die. Could be unsettling for some.

Boom. Headshot.

This is the moment when you look up and meet your maker:


Later, loser.

h/t Funker530

  1. ChristianPKP

    So much tactical fail going on. I guess he was counting on a sick re-spawn? I mean running around like a 13 year old without taking cover or concealment or moving in a small team, or controlled shot groups, or having a base of fire, or using comms, or really aiming at anything. More like run, gun, done.

    10 years ago at 8:43 pm