Video: Man Attacks Volunteers, American Flag

Tempers flared in Little Rock, Arkansas on July 17 as volunteers from Tradition Family and Property were exercising their First Amendment during an anti-Obamacare rally.

At the McCain Mall in North Little Rock, a middle-aged man came up from behind the group as they calmly prayed the rosary. First he said, “Praise be Mary,” giving the impression he was friendly. Next he shouted, “Get the hell out of here!” and rushed our American flag bearer Elias Bartel, knocking him off his feet with a violent blow. Old Glory fell over, but not completely because the 19-foot flag pole caught a power line on the way down and was quickly recovered and set upright again.

“I was pretty shocked… The first thing he did was target the American flag. He wanted to throw it on the ground,” said Bartel. “What he did was beyond disrespect.”

The asshole had impeccable pushing form and thrust, but he was way out of line. Watch the video here:

    1. Fratalee Holloway

      No he meant for someone to go get the guys drivers license out of his wallet and write down his information. You’re about as retarded as that kid and the aggressor combined.

      12 years ago at 4:19 pm
    2. Marcus_Gilday

      ^It was a valid question, no need to insult the man. It was my first thought as well

      12 years ago at 8:12 am

    Mr. Attacker is wearing what appear to be Sperry’s though. He has that going for him.

    12 years ago at 4:17 pm
    1. Harry Paget Flashman

      Those folks were also extremely creepy. He still shouldn’t have gone for the flag bearer.

      12 years ago at 5:04 pm