Video: Old Timer in Cowboy Hat Recounts Deadly Shootout

This. Is. Awesome.

Meet Vic Stacy, the man who came to the aid of police officers in a deadly shootout that occurred at an RV park in Texas. The incident took place after a skirmish broke out regarding the residents’ dogs.

According to Sheriff Bobby Grubbs, the gunman was shot by an armed citizen and responding Early Police Sgt. Steven Means who was being fired upon by the gunman Charles Conner of Early. Grubbs stated that the gunman and the victims had a verbal confrontation about the dogs, and that Conner shot the male victim, then the dogs, and turned the gun on the male victim’s common law wife with a .9mm handgun.

The armed citizen was Old Man Stacy, a handgun-carrying, tougher-than-leather cowboy from Texas. At the sound of shots firing, he grabbed his .357 magnum and sprung into action. Unbelievably, he hit the assailant five times from 165 yards away with a pistol. If you’re not aware, that is extremely impressive.

I’ll let him take it from here with a Texan draw that you’ll never hear Hollywood accurately mimic in movies, but I do want to quote my favorite part:

“I him ’em in the thigh, and that disoriented ’em. And uh, then he turned and I saw ’em throw another shell ‘n that rifle and he pointed at me, ‘n cut out on me!, but he didn’t hit me. He musta hit the ground, ’cause uh, I was standin’ b’hind the wheel of this RV at Browns, and uh, I felt the rocks…I had on a pair of shorts…I felt the rocks fly up ‘n hit me on the leg, ‘n it cut my left leg there. But anyway, that’s when I returned another shot, and uh, I hit ’em again, ‘n I put three more in ’em.”

Thank you Vic Stacy and thank you Second Amendment. Watch this awesome recount of the shootout from Mr. Stacy:

  1. Pee Buttermore

    If i have to listen to one more motherfucking incubus ad I’m going to pray he finds me with that .357 and puts me out of my misery.

    12 years ago at 11:44 pm