Video: Ole Miss Student Tazed And Viciously Beaten By Cops At Party

This past Saturday, an Ole Miss student was brutally taken down by what is undoubtedly the bravest and toughest cop in the world around the end of a field party at Foxfire Ranch in Mississippi. The party was attended by over a thousand people, many of whom were Ole Miss students.

Here’s the video, sent in by a reader.

A few notes on the video, in chronological order:

– At around 0:08, you can hear the officer — purportedly of the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department and off duty — tell a different student who he appears to have already been addressing, “Get your hands off of me.”

– Meanwhile, the kid in the Tim Duncan jersey, who the officer is not currently addressing, is tapping the officer on his shoulder, clearly trying to talk to him.

– The officer turns to Tim Duncan jersey kid, sees the chance to be a hero, and pounces like a red, white, and blue puma of freedom.

– Tim Duncan jersey kid is pushed back and thrown down in front of what appears to be a group of security guards, most of whom are wearing white shirts, unlike the officer, who is wearing a dark shirt and a vest that says “Sheriff.” One security guard appears to be wearing a dark shirt that reads “Security.” They look like the supporting bouncers in “Roadhouse.”

– Another more officially dressed man, possibly an officer (he is similarly dressed to the man in the “Sheriff” vest), flies in from off screen to assist. The security guards jump into the scrum as well, but quickly back off while the other two handle Tim Duncan jersey kid.

– Some girl walks past the screen wearing a candy necklace and says, “Literally let’s fucking go. I’m not doing it. I’m not.” She’s not having a great day, apparently.

– The only person having a worse day than candy necklace girl, Tim Duncan jersey guy, is now being wrestled by the officer and another similarly dressed man who also appears to be an officer.

– You can hear a cracklin’. Ole sparky is out. Tim Duncan jersey kid is getting tazed.

– Not to be outdone by the taser, the police officer who first tackled Tim Duncan jersey kid gives the poor bastard a taste of his electric fists. And by that I mean the officer starts pounding on Tim Duncan jersey kid’s face into the ground, as is standard procedure.

– More tazing. This kid in the Tim Duncan jersey just won’t go down. He’s got the staying power of the actual Tim Duncan.

– And the officer gives Tim Duncan jersey kid another six punches to the head, which is of course, again, standard procedure.

– Somehow, Tim Duncan jersey kid gets up, but is still being wrestled.

Sadly, that’s all the video we have of our two American heroes and the shoulder tapping terrorist Ole Miss student in the Tim Duncan jersey.

There is, as they say, more to the story, though. This according to WREG:

Some of the students left the property and were walking in the road and ignoring security officers, the sheriff’s department said.

Anthony Scott Cantu, 20, is accused of head butting a security guard and breaking his nose.

The sheriff’s department said Cantu continued to resist after an off-duty deputy arrived to help the security guard.

More Marshall County deputies arrived.

Cantu was arrested and charged with felony simple assault on a police officer.

Anthony Cantu
Anthony Cantu

It’s not easy to tell if the kid in the Tim Duncan jersey was actually Anthony Cantu. They look similar, from what you can see. Whether or not it is, it seems unlikely that the officer immediately identified him as the head-butter and took him down. Rather, it seemed like the officer was frustrated and pissed off. And if it was Cantu, I’m not sure why he’d be trying to talk to a police officer if they were looking for him for head-butting a security guard. But hey, who knows? Drunk people do dumb shit. Not as dumb as cops with small dicks and no sense of purpose, but still, pretty dumb.

[via WREG]

  1. PhilAccio

    This has happened here before, these cops will most likely simply transfer departments and not get in any trouble. In the past several Oxford narcotics detectives forced some kids to be snitches and were caught harassing and assaulting them only to be transferred to a different department and face no punishment.

    8 years ago at 10:57 am
  2. VandyConservative

    Seems like the abuse of police power is getting worse and worse. There have been way too many videos of college kids getting beaten by cops. It doesn’t matter if this is the head-butter, he wasn’t a threat to that cop and legally had a right to defend himself. It wasn’t very smart of him to fight back surrounded by cops, but I can understand it.

    8 years ago at 10:59 am
    1. VandyConservative

      I’ve tried twice to post a link but it won’t let me (fuck you intern), but if any of y’all are feeling scholarly Google “right to defend yourself from police” and click the second link (constitution. org)

      8 years ago at 11:05 am
    2. Lord of the Fratio

      Unless you’re put to sleep with the first hit, I can’t imagine anyone laying there and taking a beating like that. It’s instinct to try and defend yourself, but I can only see officers qualifying the natural response as resisting arrest. Tough situation

      8 years ago at 11:11 am
  3. SirCarlosIII

    The fact that the kid stood up after that beating makes the cop look like like a featherweight bitch.

    8 years ago at 11:02 am
  4. Michaelb

    I know this isn’t in the spirit of the article, but it’s extremely hard to detain and handcuff someone who is resisting. That being said… #fratlivesmatter

    8 years ago at 11:08 am
  5. Broasted

    Am I the only one who thinks the kid tried to throw the cop? I’m gunna say the same shit I’ve said about all these other “police brutality” videos: don’t resist arrest, and none of this shit will happen.

    Props to the kids for getting up after that though.

    8 years ago at 11:23 am
    1. PhilAccio

      You clearly didn’t see the video properly due to all the cum in your eyes, go wash it all out and try again

      8 years ago at 2:26 pm