VIDEO: Rory With A 436-Yard Drive That Reaches The Dance Floor

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The summer of Rory is in full effect. From breaking off his engagement via text message to winning golf tournaments, to dating and knocking boots with model Nadia Forde, and now ripping a 436-yard drive in the Scottish Open that settles on the green–Rory has the world swinging from his hangdown.

Just look at this drive:

Aaaaaaaaand here’s Nadia:

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Experiment: squint and see if you can tell me apart from Rory.

Images via Instagram

  1. lca_94

    Taking a step away from Dorn’s pathetic BS, Rory really hit the hell out of that thing, didn’t he?

    11 years ago at 12:53 pm
  2. Reagan__Bush_84

    He’s got a beautiful backswing… that’s- oh, he got all of that one!

    11 years ago at 3:10 pm