An Artist Is Pretending To Pass Out On USC Fraternity Lawns For Sexual Assault Awareness
Watch out fraternity gentleman of Southern California: There is a chick entering your house lawns and pretending to be passed out.
An artist who goes by the name of Violet Overn wanted to bring awareness to sexual assault. Her bright idea? Create party scenes and pretend to be passed out in front of fraternity houses that she so cleverly calls “Fraternity Houses.”
This is what they look like:
Huffington Post calls these images “grueling.” I call them terrible, and possibly trespassing (not a big law person, so any future lawyers can fill me in). Fraternities get a bad rap because of people like Violet that think all frat guys sexually assault and that we’re are all bad people. She knows absolutely nothing about the people in the fraternity houses whose lawns she selects to pass out in, but that doesn’t stop her from essentially calling all of them sexual opportunist boozehounds.
Here’s her reasoning for choosing to do this at fraternity houses, via Huffington Post:
The Greek system is a massive, prevalent institution that has to progress and change alongside the rest of society. For example, on most college campuses sorority houses aren’t allowed to host parties or provide alcohol, therefore fraternities have the control of the social gatherings and women can feel pressured or be forced into having sex because of this unspoken ‘trade’ system. I am aware that sexual assault and sexism happen beyond the greek system, but as an artist creating artwork I’m focusing on one part of the larger problem, an institution thats [sic] traditions make it feel above the law and entitled to male power. We have to spark the initiative to provoke change for male dominance and sexual aggression to not be more prevalent within fraternity brothers and male athletes than any other student on campus. My goal is to change the institution as a whole, to have equal rules for both sorority and fraternity members, to have women not feel pressured or be taken advantage of, for women all over college campuses not have to worry about wanting to go to a party or have a drink, to have fun, to socialize, to walk home. We cannot sit back and allow this type of behavior because of social convention or tradition. Someone had to start somewhere and say something.
We’ve had this conversation before, but let’s have it again. There is a reason that sororities don’t hold parties in their own houses, and it’s not because of this supposed “male power” you introduce. Sororities don’t have the parties because they don’t want to have parties. It was their decision. IFC doesn’t look over Panhellenic’s shoulder and say, “Woah woah woah, you can’t allow parties in your houses! We need those girls to come over to our lairs houses!” So we’re actually on your side here, V — let’s let sororities throw parties. Less work for us, and less money out of our pockets.
Secondly, her reasoning for this whole art project is that she was inspired by the Brock Turner situation. Brock Turner, who was not even in a fraternity. Sure, he was at a fraternity party, but so were a ton of other innocent guys and girls who you would never randomly accuse of being sexual assaulters out of nowhere. A little weird to attack the sexual assault problem by picking a small portion of where sexual assaults occur and acting like stopping them there (which obviously we hope happens) is the be-all, end-all solution to the epidemic that is sexual assault.
I’m not even sure this is art, either. When I think of art, I think of Picasso and shit you’d see in a museum, not whatever the hell this is..
[via Huffington Post]
Classic deadfish
9 years ago at 1:33 pmi love a good simple and concise joke like this. under-rated comment, bravo.
9 years ago at 1:40 pmCould us at my stand-up in SF. Started last set with “didn’t think there would be this many Asians here”…didn’t play well
9 years ago at 2:13 pmUse you*
9 years ago at 2:15 pmyour humor sounds right up my ally. id say stick with it. i hope to see a netflix special from Jwalker blue one day
9 years ago at 6:46 pmHere’s a shocker. The “artist” is unattractive.
9 years ago at 1:36 pmim gonna play devils advocate here bit i think its an interesting thought: perhaps people like Violet are not actually bashing fraternity culture by implying fraternity men are rapists, but instead are bashing party culture trying to make a point along the lines of “parties get out of hand and bad things happen” fraternity homes are just used because they are a very recognizable source/the epitome of the party scene therefore making her argument more mainstream.
9 years ago at 1:36 pmThe fraternity guys need to be on call with a glass of water, some pretzels, and offers to call her friends or an Uber. Just go over the top the other direction. My chapter has helped more drunk shit shows (men and women) home than we can count. That’s the real story
9 years ago at 1:41 pm10/10 would rape
9 years ago at 1:55 pmPlease go jump in traffic.
9 years ago at 1:59 pmlook man if they want to classify us all as rapists we might as well own it. #makerapegreatagain
9 years ago at 2:01 pmYep, time for a blackball. Ever had a family member or friend raped? There are funny rape jokes, but they involve more than being “edgy” or controversial for the sake of it. This wasn’t funny. Fuck yourself
9 years ago at 2:48 pmdo i still need to receive explicit consent if im just fucking myself? I need some sort of clarification for the sake of you feelings
9 years ago at 4:19 pmThat’s disappointing to see dude. It really makes it hard for people to defend fraternity guys when you post crap like this on a fraternity website. Non Greeks troll this website looking for comments exactly like this. It’s not like they have anything else to do with their lives.
9 years ago at 3:45 pmA great way to get people on your side is to make blanket statements about them being rapists.
9 years ago at 2:11 pmTurn the sprinklers on. That hippie probably needs a bath anyway.
9 years ago at 2:17 pmSo what do you do if you wanted to play basketball on that court? Do you ask her to leave? Play around her? Use her as a trampoline?
9 years ago at 2:20 pmShe’s trespassing, can I pepper spray her and call the police?
9 years ago at 2:38 pmDumbass cunt this isn’t art it’s trespassing
9 years ago at 3:03 pm