Viral Hashtag Brings Thousands To San Marcos Pool Party, Shit Was Wild

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“At one point, the party got so big, it nearly took every on-duty officer in the city to shut it down.”

That’s some “Project X” action right there. An estimated 2,000 people showed up to a Texas State pool party after the hashtag #TXSummerBash gained steam on Twitter. The pool’s capacity is set at 750. People even flew in for this damn thing. Endless Entertainment–hired to run the social media campaign for the party–had to shut down their social media efforts two days before the party was scheduled because they realized it was gaining too much attention. #BangerStatus

The manager of the complex is looking at a $1,400 fine from the city because he didn’t have an event permit. He did, however, inform the city of the banger the week before. San Marcos Assistant Police Chief Chase Stapp advised the apartment’s manager, Clark Matthews, to postpone the party until proper permits were obtained.

Clark decided not to postpone. “Let the banger happen,” he said, probably.

From KVUE:

“You know, he’s got a boss too and they conferred. Ultimately the company decided to go ahead and proceed with the event,” said Stapp.

Smooth move, Clark.

The Summer Bash, which took place at The Retreat pool in San Marcos, was the second annual of its kind. The kids loved it, as you can see in the below photos. Nearby residents, on the other hand, did not.

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Doesn’t lift.

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Looks like at least one square made it inside the pool party.

Student Priscilla Recio says she heard about the event over social media, and decided to check it out last Saturday.


While she said it was fun, she also had concerns about the number of people who appeared intoxicated.

“There were people drunk in the pool- that’s just not a good mix,” said Recio.

Sounds like an awesome mix, actually. That’s what bangers are made of.

You can’t let a viral hashtag slip by without showing off the girls. You just can’t. It’d be stupid not to post a pic like this. What a set. What a banger.

[via KVUE]

All images via Twitter