I cannot wait for Basketball season so I can say SEC NF. ACC TFM.

  1. Frat E. Lee

    If you think basketball is fratty or that the sport season has anything to do with what schools are fratty, you clearly have no understanding of what it means to be fratty.

    14 years ago at 8:38 pm
  2. minerva

    you are a fucking retard…..SEC is the best conference in basketball and football. enjoy your cold weather you GDI fuck

    14 years ago at 8:59 pm
    1. Woodford Reservist

      Calipari runs around the country rounding up all the best talent for #1 recruiting classes each and every year. That’s a TFM in my book.

      14 years ago at 3:22 pm
  3. Brostan Whaler

    honestly UNC, UVA, and Clemson are the only really fratty schools in the ACC. ive been to UVA and Clemson but I dont claim to be an expert on their greek life but I can in all confidence say that the big four at Chapel Hill are among the best chapters in the entire nation.

    14 years ago at 9:23 pm
    1. Brostan Whaler

      never been, ive heard they party and I know there are beautiful women but you have to consider that whole florida being in the north thing. Im sure there are some southern fraternities at FSU though

      14 years ago at 1:34 am
    2. fratting hard

      Saying that GT isn’t frat? Come any night here to any of the big fraternity houses and explain what you see.

      14 years ago at 2:10 am
    3. Brostan Whaler

      GT is nerd dog central, that campus doesnt hold a candle to UNC and obviously not UGA. Also though they dont have houses Clemson’s campus go there you will see it is an inherentley fratty school.

      14 years ago at 9:15 am
  4. fratter banks

    All of you people who say that the acc sucks are just mad because you know the ACC is the best basketball conference in the country. And the people that get on this site just to talk shit are a bunch of GDI’s

    14 years ago at 9:26 pm
    1. Fratstars & Bars

      You’re a dumbass, the ACC will always play the red-headed stepchild to the SEC and Big 12. Football, Basketball, and Baseball is, and always will be, dominated by the SEC and Big 12.

      14 years ago at 10:21 pm
    2. wizard of westwood

      The big east is NF but they had the most teams in the tournament. doesnt that make them the best basketball conference?

      14 years ago at 11:24 pm
    3. fake name

      i hate kentucky but I’d still root for them over any ACC school. ACC = Not Fuck Frat

      14 years ago at 11:49 pm
  5. Littletons Pride

    Fuck fucking Kentucky, they choked. The only reason they were OK was due to John Wall. who happened to come from good ole NC. Your welcome.

    14 years ago at 9:42 pm
    1. Pierce Brosnan

      It says he couldn’t meet the academic requirements of any of the in-state ACC schools.

      14 years ago at 11:32 am
    2. BRObon and Coke

      UNC could have easily gotten him but Roy didn’t want him because everyone knew he’d be gone in a year. And check the polls you fucking idiot because both of the dominant schools in NC are ranked higher than any SEC school. Barnes is gonna put Wall to shame.

      14 years ago at 11:47 am

      its almost as sad when you comment on everything on this website.
      i hope your mother gets Parkinson’s disease GDI

      14 years ago at 6:58 pm