Virginia Tech’s Bud Foster Wants To Fine Players, Gets Shut Down Hard By Athletic Director

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Virginia Tech’s defensive coordinator, Bud Foster, is one of the most respected coaches in the game. Foster is considered the “coach-in-waiting” in Blacksburg. He is so valuable to the Hokies, they made him the highest paid assistant in college football. But being “football smart” isn’t the same thing as being “smart” — as evidenced by Foster’s dumb idea below:

Fining players cost-of-attendance money, which is a little over $3,000 per year, is stupid. Over a nine-month school year, that’s a little under $100 a week — which is nothing. Football players are far more valuable than three grand, which is why the school can afford to pay Foster $1.3 million a year. But at least Bud realizes his players aren’t employees, right?

Jesus, what a dumbass. Bud, in the real world, employees make money for the work they do, and if someone else is willing to pay them more, they can leave and go work there instead — without sitting out a year (assuming they didn’t sign a non-compete). Also, what recruits do you think are going to want to come play for a coach who might take away the small amount of money they earn? Foster is making it so easy for opposing coaches right now, it’s insane.

It didn’t take long for Virginia Tech’s athletic director to recognize Foster’s ridiculous comments and shut him down immediately:

Perhaps the AD should fine him, too.

Image via YouTube

  1. CommCollege69

    The verbal equivalent to chopping your own dick off and having your boss sew it back on. Bad move.

    9 years ago at 10:13 am
  2. ANatural

    Something tells me that these guys get paid more than $100/week….just not officially.

    9 years ago at 10:13 am
  3. frat1990

    Sorry but this is crap and shows more of the pussification of America. College athletes are increasingly getting their wish of being treated like employees and more money coming their way.

    But you can’t have it both ways where on one hand you want to get more money (because a free college education isn’t enough), but you don’t want to be held responsible for your actions or inaction. Call me old fashioned, but I like this idea by the coach.

    9 years ago at 10:18 am
    1. CommCollege69

      It says nothing about VTech players disagreeing with fines. Maybe the players should ask for more disclipinary consequences, cause asking to pay thousands of dollars is the logical thing to do…

      9 years ago at 10:56 am
  4. Slappyhappychap

    Maybe something like this should be policy. Of course CFB players are worth more than what they get now, but the 3 grand is only the beginning they will probably get more. Also, they should have to earn the pay. Maybe if this was the case once players got to the NFL they wouldn’t act like idiots once they got paid. Also.,as a tech fan, Steve holt took Fosters comments waaaay of of context #finesteveholt

    9 years ago at 11:39 am
  5. Frat_and_Firm

    Or you could, you know, make them run laps or carry equipment in, like every other football coach ever.

    9 years ago at 1:01 pm
  6. frat17

    Literally almost word for word from deadspin you copy and paste mother fucker #blackballsteveholt

    9 years ago at 1:29 pm