Vodka Chugger No One Trick Pony
The YouTube sensation by the name of shoenice22 has proven he can chug a bottle of Absolut Vodka in 15 seconds. He tortures his mouth, throat, liver, stomach and bowels for America’s enjoyment, and we love him for it. And vodka isn’t his only game. The man is diversely talented. The list of alcohols, foods and your basic from-around-the-house shit he has vigorously consumed is long and grotesque. I’ve compiled a few of his must watch videos. Just try not to be distracted by his bright blue eyes, matching blue attire, inability to blink or his seemingly slow wit.
First, he wants to set a nice, casual buzz by downing a bottle of Goldschlager in 15 seconds.
Now it’s time to kick his buzz up with some dip. He doesn’t lip it, though. He eats it. A whole can of it. In 20 seconds.
Buzz established. Let’s get weird now. Shoenice22 is about to take down a whole tube of painter’s caulk.
After eating the caulk he can feel his sobriety start to set in, so he’s doing four Jager bombs in 30 seconds.
To mix in a new element, he’s now going to chug three beers in one minute without using his hands. Oh yeah, and the beers are still capped.
Enjoy him before he’s dead, folks.
Follow me on Twitter @RogerDornTFM
Beating the webcam in a staring contest. TFM
13 years ago at 6:41 pm^this
13 years ago at 9:22 pmFucking that^^
13 years ago at 10:16 amIf this man can do it, so can our pledges.
13 years ago at 6:47 pmAmerica: proving the Brits wrong since 1776
13 years ago at 6:49 pmThese videos make me proud to be an American. Only in American can retards like this man become famous for eating things they arent supposed to be eating.
13 years ago at 6:54 pmI’d give him a bid
13 years ago at 7:30 pmJust so he can make the other pledges look bad. Then we drop him.
13 years ago at 7:36 pm^fuck you. I’d initiate this guy without a moment’s hesitation.
13 years ago at 12:21 am^ hahahhaha
13 years ago at 12:48 am^^^^thanks man, it really means a lot.
13 years ago at 10:59 pm“Sick is for pussies.” TFM.
13 years ago at 7:42 pmDid anyone else notice that this guy lives like a complete slob?
13 years ago at 7:43 pmYou expect a man who eats painters caulk and tampons to be clean?
13 years ago at 1:52 pmThis is giving me some ideas, shoenice pledge?
13 years ago at 8:22 pmSorry bud, this has already been done. How about you come back in the fall and give it another try.
13 years ago at 9:42 pmDrinking a bottle of listerine and aloe vera, then doing 4 jager bombs…. then going to the beach. TFTC.
13 years ago at 8:24 pmWhat the hell is Wolf dip?
13 years ago at 8:27 pmIt goes down smoother than Skoal
13 years ago at 10:40 pm