“Assault rifle” is a media buzzword, Unless that’s a class 3 NFA item and has select fire (highly doubt it), it’s not an assault rifle.
Furthermore, while open carrying to a national landmark is definitely a poor idea, I’m pretty appalled at the comments here. “TmassmurdererMove”? What are you, a soccer mom?
The second amendment says you can own guns not flaunt them around outside and shit. If you can’t even publicly carry a handgun without a license then what makes you think you can carry an AR in a public place? People like you are the reason why anti gun laws are being passed in some states, ruining it for the rest of us. Maybe you should read up on your rights a little?
Were you breast fed paint thinner or have you just not heard of this thing called open carry? There’s no limitation on the 2nd amendment buddy. Open carry is in fact completely constitutional and people who exercise open carry don’t cause gun laws. It’s the damned liberals that cause them. 1000 fuck you’s
Actually the second amendment doesn’t say a fucking thing about the manner in which I wish to carry my weapon. Why don’t you give it a read from time to time, kid. As for open carrying of a pistol, Texas doesn’t have open carry, we have CC for which I do have a license. Rifles in Texas don’t require a license to open carry you jackass. As long as I’m not carrying my rifle “or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.” Carrying down the street, or in front of the Alamo in this case, doesn’t meet the criteria for causing alarm. Even though you only see me with my rifle there were over 1000 others with rifles, shotguns, and black powder weapons openly carrying in front of the Alamo before this picture was taken on October 19th, look it up. Don’t try and tell me my fucking gun rights, you ignorant fuck. I’m educated about my rights and where I can and can not carry.
Thats not frat thats physcotic
11 years ago at 11:18 amNo, that’s the 2nd Amendment.
11 years ago at 11:40 am^
11 years ago at 11:49 amYeah man let me go get my assult rifle and my fraternities flag Im sure no one will shit themseleves
11 years ago at 5:38 pm^^^^ typical Californian
11 years ago at 5:41 pmNothing wrong with proudly exercising the 2A. Carry on.
11 years ago at 11:39 amTMassmurdereeM
11 years ago at 11:40 amShit. Massmurderer*
11 years ago at 11:41 amLacing them up.
Lace em up for the comment not the spelling, geed
11 years ago at 1:39 pmWell that’s a little odd..
11 years ago at 11:58 amYou’re the worst kind of gun owner.
11 years ago at 12:16 pmyea.
11 years ago at 7:50 amassault rifle + national landmark = youre a moron.
“Assault rifle” is a media buzzword, Unless that’s a class 3 NFA item and has select fire (highly doubt it), it’s not an assault rifle.
Furthermore, while open carrying to a national landmark is definitely a poor idea, I’m pretty appalled at the comments here. “TmassmurdererMove”? What are you, a soccer mom?
11 years ago at 9:52 am^What do you think the AR stands for in LAR-8 dumbfuck
11 years ago at 2:29 pmIt’s disgusting how many people this AR stands for assault rifle. Read a fucking book.
11 years ago at 12:13 pm^ Armalite dumbfuck
11 years ago at 5:57 pm^^ please take laps until I’m tired.
11 years ago at 6:08 pmWhat the fuck for?
11 years ago at 1:13 pmBecause we have the goddamned right to. That’s why.
11 years ago at 11:08 pm^ Yea!
– G. Zimmerman
11 years ago at 7:06 pmthere was a gun rally at the Alamo recently.
11 years ago at 5:01 pmPump the brakes big fella, that shit isn’t cool
11 years ago at 4:15 pmThe second amendment says you can own guns not flaunt them around outside and shit. If you can’t even publicly carry a handgun without a license then what makes you think you can carry an AR in a public place? People like you are the reason why anti gun laws are being passed in some states, ruining it for the rest of us. Maybe you should read up on your rights a little?
11 years ago at 6:44 pmWere you breast fed paint thinner or have you just not heard of this thing called open carry? There’s no limitation on the 2nd amendment buddy. Open carry is in fact completely constitutional and people who exercise open carry don’t cause gun laws. It’s the damned liberals that cause them. 1000 fuck you’s
11 years ago at 11:12 pmIt’s legal in Texas to carry around a long gun! Know what you’re talking about before you open your sewer dumbass.
11 years ago at 1:07 pmActually in Texas it is illegal to open carry?
11 years ago at 2:35 pmActually the second amendment doesn’t say a fucking thing about the manner in which I wish to carry my weapon. Why don’t you give it a read from time to time, kid. As for open carrying of a pistol, Texas doesn’t have open carry, we have CC for which I do have a license. Rifles in Texas don’t require a license to open carry you jackass. As long as I’m not carrying my rifle “or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.” Carrying down the street, or in front of the Alamo in this case, doesn’t meet the criteria for causing alarm. Even though you only see me with my rifle there were over 1000 others with rifles, shotguns, and black powder weapons openly carrying in front of the Alamo before this picture was taken on October 19th, look it up. Don’t try and tell me my fucking gun rights, you ignorant fuck. I’m educated about my rights and where I can and can not carry.
11 years ago at 8:22 pmPictures making things look bigger than they are in real life. TBrettFavreM.
11 years ago at 8:26 pmJust because you can doesn’t mean you should.
I support the 2nd amendment and I’m a proud gun owner but this is just asking for trouble
11 years ago at 10:26 pm