Having a strong opinion about things you know nothing about. TFM.

  1. Rick Sperry 2016

    Being ignorant. NF.

    Knowing exactly what the fuck you’re talking about and belittling those who obviously do not. TFM.

    13 years ago at 12:31 pm
  2. CocainUsingSexAddict

    So I guess voting for Barack Obama and thinking he’s the right guy to lead our nation is a TFM?

    13 years ago at 12:59 pm
  3. I remember when I was vehemently opposed to or supportive of topics about which I was uninformed.

    13 years ago at 10:59 pm
  4. Phrat kappa tau

    While I don’t exactly support this move, I’ll blindly support a brother. Hoorah.

    13 years ago at 11:56 pm