Watch This Adult Protester Lose Her Mind Like A 5 Year Old After Wisconsin’s Electors Finalize Their Trump Votes
Jeez. Whose shopping cart bumped into your parked Subaru, lady? Calm down.
True story: “You don’t deserve to be in America” is only cool to yell if you’re liberal, apparently. What a gloriously ironic thing for an anti-Trumper trying to make a point to shout.
This is just sad, really. If you don’t like the electoral college, that’s one thing. Without taking a stance one way or the other on it, I think it’s fair to say that there is legitimacy to those arguments. That said, the electoral college exists, and Trump won Wisconsin.
Essentially this woman is telling her fellow Wisconsinites that they’re committing some sort of dereliction of duty, if not an outright betrayal of democracy, by not totally ignoring how the majority of the citizens of their state voted, and instead telling the people of Wisconsin, “You were wrong, the people of California and New York were right, and we’re going to act in what they believe their interests are, instead acting in favor of what you believe your interests are, despite being your representatives.” And expressing all that via temper tantrum, no less.
I’m not a fan of Trump, but it’s pretty hard for me to square that logic. You don’t like Trump? Great. Stop screaming like a child and start finding real ways to work against him and the GOP. That’s how it works.
Oh, and the “Game of Thrones” shame chant needs to die. At this point I would consider a crowd “shame” chanting me an accomplishment. I’d laugh and happily soak it in.
There’s no such thing as adults..
Why isn’t she at work? Oh wait
8 years ago at 5:54 pmSuck it libs
8 years ago at 6:04 pmLiberals will stop at nothing to get what they want. Trump’s victory was based on their stupidity and the silent majority.
8 years ago at 6:23 pmWhen liberals prevail – the electorate was “on the right side of history.” When republicans win – “the election was stolen by racist, sexist, homophobes with low IQs and no appreciation for how awesome It is to hang out in Brooklyn.” When Republicans win its something that the elite ruling class of democrats must fix, at any cost (laws be damned). These hypocrite should be ashamed.
Wow am I’m looking forward to 4, hopefully 8 years of unjustified liberal hysteria videos…
8 years ago at 6:53 pmA far-too-common example of another person who was given participation trophies as a child
8 years ago at 7:57 pmFucking libs would chant “shame, shame, shame”. This is a America libs, not a fictional city called Westeros – that chant doesn’t work here.
8 years ago at 9:48 pmlost it when she shouted “can I take my things with me?”
8 years ago at 7:24 amThe whole crowd quietly chanting shame made my day.
8 years ago at 9:02 amYou’re going over the wall too, Eminem Pledge.
8 years ago at 3:12 pmHate Trump, voted for Johnson, but this childish meltdown from the left has been quite an enjoyable silver lining
8 years ago at 11:56 amDefinitely wears sandals with socks
8 years ago at 10:42 am