We Need To Stop Vegans
I’m minding my own business yesterday in the supermarket checkout line. I’ve got a nice beef tenderloin I’ve been fantasizing about cooking throughout the miserable work day, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Cringing at the thought of a high school throwback encounter, I turn to find an ink-covered munchkin with a level of hygiene so inhuman you’d expect a cartoonish cloud of odor and insects over her head.
“Yes? Do I know you?”
“Hi sir. Do you realize forty-one million cows are murdered on average annually to support your unhealthy and unsustainable eating habits?”
“Ok, please stop.”
“Six ounces of tempeh actually provides comparable protein to red meat without any saturated fats, and less than a tenth the cholesterol.”
“Miss, please. I am not interested.”
“The average American male does not know their eating habits directly cause the murder of nearly 100 innocent animals per year.”
This fly refused to allow me my meat-ridden picnic, an attempt at some much-needed Monday evening relief.
“Seriously, I have been very nice to you and listened to what you have to say. Now please, let me stand in this line in peace, purchase my food, and go home.”
Like a three-hour English lit lecture, she droned on with utter nonsense as I could feel my veins Popeye vacillating in rage. I don’t give a fuck what you eat, grant me the same respect and leave me alone.
But no. I checked out, thinking finally I had escaped my granola-loving stalker, but the rant even continued into the parking lot. She offered me “literature,” a bumper sticker that said “I think; therefore I am Vegan,” and finally, as I was about to close my door and escape, she caused the explosion: “Perhaps if you were educated, you’d care about your planet and the lives of others. Maybe someday you’ll do something.”
I composed myself.
“You know what? You’re right. Maybe if I was like you, undoubtedly uneducated, probably a fucking barista at some coffee shop with graffiti on the walls and homemade soy milk slinging lattes all day listening to indie rock, I’d be ‘making a difference as you say.’ Guess what? Nobody believes any of this. Just because you eat out of bird feeders and still skateboard like it’s 1998, doesn’t mean that people forgot you’re a high school dropout addict with no future and a stick so far up your ass you apparently consider yourself an actual tree. Fuck off.”
I slammed the door of my car, the rearview mirror illuminating the ending scene of Marley & Me level sadness of my formerly pompous agitator. I felt nearly sick with myself. I couldn’t just stay composed, get to the vehicle, go home and relax. But this shit is out of control.
If you’re a vegan, good for you. Shit, this is America, go do whatever the fuck you want, but understand everybody else’s right to do the same. I’m sorry, but no matter how many root vegetables you “brine,” I’m not going to think your cartoon tattoos are “sick.” I won’t respect your “mission trips” to the meat processing plants. I don’t want to hear your agenda as you park my car, and I sure as fuck do not want to be approached as I mind my own business in a grocery store.
Veganism, for all its merits (there are a few) is not for me, nor, quite frankly, the best way of life for humans. No, I’m not a doctor, but I do know every former/current addict I went to high school with now claims to be “plant fueled” and they look a few months from HIV turning into full on AIDS.
Saggy, no muscle tone, gaunt, and pale. It’s like the tribal tattoos exist only to hide the plant based decay of their humanity. You absolutely cannot, and will not, convince me that chicken breast, fish, and lean meats (depending of course on preparation) are not good for the human body. You just can’t.
If I am in church, don’t talk to me about abortion. If I’m entering my office on Wall Street, I don’t want to hear about the “criminals of finance.” If I’m at my doctor’s office, don’t tell me how immunization is wrong. If I’m at a football game, I don’t want to hear how kids shouldn’t be allowed to play. And when I’m at the fucking supermarket after working a twelve-hour day and spending more than you’ll ever make as an “advocate” on an education, don’t tell me I’m not “educated enough” because I don’t adhere to your agenda. Leave me, and the rest of us, alone.
Your “Meat is Murder” and “Protein Deficient” t-shirts are enough. Your endless hashtags, ridiculous “Hey, I’m curling soup cans, plants make you stronger” Instagrams and snaps, open social media lambasting of “carnivores,” and general disdain for capitalism says enough.
I’m glad you found something that works for you, but so have I. If we want to hide our self-hatred by eating grass, we will come to you. Trust me..
Image via Shutterstock
Little off topic but do you think vegan zombies would only eat human hair?
9 years ago at 11:48 amNah, they would probably just try to convince you that tofu has more protein than human meat.
9 years ago at 12:32 pmAnd that it tastes the same and you can change the texture by cooking it right.
9 years ago at 2:57 pmYou will find that Vegetarianism is very common in cults. The reason being that with an entirely vegetarian diet and lack of protein the human mind is more prone to suggestion and has greater difficulty thinking on it’s own. Learned about this in a sociology/psychology class.
9 years ago at 11:57 amAlso lacking in B12 and 90% of vegans have a zinc deficiency. One reason why vegans act and seem like a bunch of frail pussies.
9 years ago at 12:08 pmIsn’t “vegan” just a fancy word for “vegetable fetish?”
9 years ago at 4:36 pmI enjoy a lot of the articles on TFM & agree that that woman shouldn’t have badgered you like she did, but don’t call someone uneducated and talk shit just because you don’t want to do research. As a regular person who happens to be vegan I can confidently say becoming vegan doesn’t transform you overnight into an asshole. I know I’m wasting my time with this but this entire comment section is cringe worthy with ignorance.
9 years ago at 6:35 amYou seem like a gay.
9 years ago at 8:25 amThe quote is “you SOUND like a gay”. Take a lap.
9 years ago at 9:45 amFirst of all, you’re not minding “your own business” if you’re paying for the slaughter of baby animals to eat. Those animals had every right to live, and you interefered in THEIR business. Second, I am a college-educated vegan. I have no tats. No piercings. And I’ve been gainfully employed all my working life. So your generalizations are both sexist and racist. And, oh yeah, speciesist. And the obvious anger you possess is undoubtedly due to your lifestyle, most especially your diet. And when people start pulling out the four-letter words, it only means you’re struggling for a legitimate response. My advice to you? Grow a pair.
9 years ago at 9:20 amyou don’t have an argument when you yourself are so angry that you created an account just to tell this guy to “grow a pair”
9 years ago at 9:49 amExcellent comment Birdlady1 these flesh eating zombies who commit or pay for the torture of sentient beings will have their day. Animals always have their revenge.
9 years ago at 8:37 pmYou talk about how veganism is so unhealthy but the majority of you will probably die of a heart attack because of all the red meat you consume. I’m not a vegan, but I’m smart enough to know that the opposite isn’t a stellar life choice either.
9 years ago at 9:41 amYeah eating red meat for breakfast lunch and dinner probably wouldn’t be ideal, but thankfully by not being a vegan you can eat whatever you want.
9 years ago at 4:38 pmUneducated flesh eating zombie. There is NO valid argument against veganism. Hey Steady dividends, you must be talking about your graveyard belly. Vegans live longer and healthier. From the looks of your picture, you’re suffering from a case of meat bloat. Keep eating, that heart disease will hit ya real soon.
9 years ago at 8:34 pm