Website Offers To Pay For Your Johnny Cleveland Tramp Stamp

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Guy or girl. They prefer a girl, assumedly an attractive one, but they’ll pay to get Manziel doing the money sign permanently inked to a guy’s lower back, too. The design is above. Look at the detail, the color, the smug grin on his face–depending on size, that’s about a couple hundred bucks you’re saving here.

From Busted Coverage:

I’m just going to throw it out there. We’re looking for a Browns fan to get a Johnny Manziel tramp stamp. Above is the design.

We prefer a chick gets the free tattoo but would consider a guy. It’s preferred that you live within an hour of Cleveland. We’ll pick a highly respected tattoo artist for the assignment. This won’t be a junk tattoo.

Let us know. First come, first served. Don’t waste my time if you’re not serious.

Your 15 minutes of fame may only last, well, 15 minutes, but the Johnny tramp stamp lasts a lifetime. That’s a forever win.

[via Busted Coverage]

  1. Call sign_Goose

    If they cant wait till the Fall 14′ pledge class, I could give them 35-45 canvases. Its okay if you mess up on a couple too.

    10 years ago at 4:16 pm