Welcome to TFM News

Today Total Frat Move launches its newest section, TFM News. The point of TFM News is to allow the TFM staff, as well as the TFM readers, to comment on what’s going on in the world that day in short form. Essentially these are items that are worth giving 400 words to, but not 1,000 (as we would in the Column Section). In that sense, at its core, TFM News is a blog.

There are two immediate and equal goals that came with the creation of TFM News. The first is to report on Greek Life news around the country. Someone’s got to do it; it might as well be us. The second is to take regular stories from around the web and give them a fraternity guy’s commentary. Essentially we want the TFM News page to sound like a bunch of guys are sitting around the house, shooting the shit about the news of the day. That means TFM News will be both informative and entertaining.

As fun as it is for the TFM staff to creep around the web all day for stories, TFM News won’t be as good as it can be without your help. We need tips on stories from you, our readers. This ESPECIALLY includes stories coming from your campuses. That said, feel free to submit anything you think is worth us writing about in our “Just the Tip” bar, which should be up soon. If you’re a journalism student who feels like making fun of the news with us, feel free to contact rob@grandex.co.

We hope this will be as fun for you as it is for us.

    1. gowahoos

      271 words. Lace up. And as for counting a simple cut and paste gets the job done in about two seconds. Learn computers.

      12 years ago at 12:11 pm
    2. Whiskey and Butt Pee

      ^Learn computers? Are you one of them Tojos? God damned zipperheads infiltrating American society and disassembling our moral code of ethics by way of slanty eyes and gaming machines and robots and animation cartoon shows. THEY TOOK ARR JABS

      12 years ago at 12:16 pm
    3. Beer Quisque Beer

      ^He’s not a zipperhead. If he was, it would say “Rearn computors.”

      12 years ago at 8:37 pm
    1. Trumper

      The retarded community is a huge problem in our society and the world’s. Let’s talk about it.

      12 years ago at 12:07 pm
    2. high kapp

      That thing Obama said on camera recently made him look like his dick is smaller than Hitler’s conscience.

      12 years ago at 12:08 pm
    1. Frat_The_Bunny

      You mean that peice of shit that crashes more often than Helen Keller flying the Hindenburg?

      12 years ago at 10:39 am
    1. Keystone Killer

      ^^First of all, it is spelled make*
      ^And yes android is for poors, and people who put YOLO in their name.

      12 years ago at 11:33 am
    2. Nick Papagiorgio

      ^The fact that you commented 6 times on this article and that your name is “Whiskey and Butt Pee” just scream “I need attention because I’m still in high school and need to feel cool.” For that reason I fucking hate you now.

      12 years ago at 6:40 pm
  1. WhoDatFrat80

    Innovative thinking.

    If it works like its supposed to this is going to be game-changing for the website. Everyday news with the fraternal comedic commentary on it is going to keep TFM from going stale. To the TFM staff, I’m liking this change, make sure you do it right.

    12 years ago at 10:06 am
    1. TrickleDown

      Agreed. I also hope this provides more of an outlet for the more serious/political side of TFM.

      AKA I hope this gives me an outlet for my deepseated hatred of liberalism.

      12 years ago at 1:38 pm
  2. DiamondsnDawgs

    I was hoping this new section would be twitter anons dick pics but I guess this is okay… 🙁

    12 years ago at 10:20 am