We’re Giving Away Stuff Signed By Phil Mickelson All Week


The 2014 U.S. Open Championship at Pinehurst is just days away, and to celebrate, we’ve teamed up with Callaway Golf to give you the opportunity to win awesome prizes.

When I say “awesome prizes,” I don’t mean lollipops or stickers for your laptop; I mean badass shit signed by Phil Mickelson.

“Why’re you yelling? You’re a foot from me.” Classic Phil.

Callaway was kind enough to hook us up with a signed Phil Mickelson U.S. Open Staff Bag, signed Phil Mickelson left-handed Big Bertha Alpha driver (the same model Phil uses), and signed Phil Mickelson Pinehurst flag. We’ll be giving away a different prize each day, starting today, through the opening of the tournament on Thursday.

To have a chance to win one of these prizes, you’ll need to do a few things:

1. Follow Total Frat Move on Instagram.

2. Follow Callaway Golf on Instagram.

3. Like Total Frat Move on Facebook.

4. Like Callaway Golf on Facebook.

5. Follow Total Frat Move on Twitter.

6. Follow Callaway Golf on Twitter.

Once you’ve done all these things, you’ll be informed how to win each day’s prize. Check out each day’s prize below…

TUESDAY: signed Phil Mickelson Pinehurst flag

*WINNER: Michael Grant from Georgia Southern*


WEDNESDAY: signed Phil Mickelson left-handed Big Bertha Alpha driver (the same model Phil uses)

*WINNER: Stephen Moore*


THURSDAY: signed Phil Mickelson U.S. Open Staff Bag

*WINNER: Zach Henson*


And oh yeah, we’ll be throwing in some Limited Edition U.S. Open coins with each prize for shits and gigs.

Good luck, and don’t forget to participate in Callaway’s Big Bertha Payday contest where one lucky participant will win whatever amount Phil Mickelson takes home from the U.S. Open.

  1. lxattorney

    I’ll learn to swing lefty just to do practice swings with that driver in the chapter room.

    10 years ago at 1:30 pm
  2. FearTheJacket

    I’m starting to think that there isn’t actually a contest and it was just made to get Callaway a bunch of followers

    10 years ago at 4:04 pm