West Coast Report: Frat Life Comes Home

  1. Dexter Morgan

    “What is he wearing?”
    “It’s called pledge attire.”
    “He’s 11.”
    “Only 7 years left.”

    I hate this guy but that was hilarious

    14 years ago at 12:22 pm
  2. CaddyFrat

    If you don’t appreciate the satire in this, you are in no way TFTC, and you have a massive stick up your ass. This is by far and away the funniest thing that’s ever been on this sight since the first Fail Friday came out. Everyone here frats, and part of fratting is being able to laugh at the dumb shit you did the next day. West Coast Jimmy is simply laughing at all the dumb shit fraternity men do collectively. ODH, Brother.

    14 years ago at 3:47 pm
  3. southern wealth

    the south has or has had Willie James Huff aka: rackem willie
    yes hes black but still fucking hilarious

    14 years ago at 4:00 pm