WVU game, one of the last independently owned fraternities in the country and still wearing the shortest inseams this close to the mason dixon. TFM.

  1. dub v still south enough

    at 6:30 AM, its gym shorts till the tailgate, the university recognizes us as a student greek organization but unlike every other fraternity on campus/most of the country, they have no control over our chapter, IFC can not fine us, university police/police can not come into our house at anytime, we do not need to inform the university of a party, there is no rules since our chapter has stood for 120 years here and half the house is 4 time legacies, so were are independently owned from the university and the greek system but still control it

    14 years ago at 10:37 pm
    1. TG

      Not being in IFC=NF

      No one cared about legacies for 50 years now.

      go home GDIs west virginia is a state of poors

      14 years ago at 10:04 am
    2. Chip

      4x legacies….. So the inbred hillbillies coming out of the coal mines at West Virgnia is true.


      Shorts = NF.
      Shoes = NF.
      No Belt? = NF.

      14 years ago at 10:35 am
    3. Fredrick Fratgate Taylor

      so youre telling me your fraternity has nothing to do with the university?


      14 years ago at 3:03 pm
    4. Funkyphatty1646

      no one wants to hear your gay fucking story, clearly by your name your compensating for your geed of a fraternity. your dad must of touched you too many time, go cry in a corner with your gay vans your wearing. Phi Psi f you quack like a geed, your a FUCKINg geed!!

      11 years ago at 1:06 pm
    1. Chipper Brones

      If youre paying $34 for a pack of natty lights, than god have mercy on your soul.

      14 years ago at 8:31 pm
  2. Fratston Howell III

    My tennis shorts are shorter than those. Not short inseams if the bottom hhits the top of the knee sitting down. Short inseams are halfway up the thigh when sitting.

    14 years ago at 8:53 am