What Built America – Opportunity

Imagine living in a country and then deciding to leave it for a new one. What would motivate a person to travel for weeks by horse and then sea—thousands of miles—to a land they had never been to, never seen a picture of, but merely heard stories about? What was in our ancestors’ vision of this new land called America that gave up all they knew to come to it?

I imagine one part is it was… A land of opportunity, personal opportunity.

You could begin your own business in a city. Worship your God without religious structure and dogma. Farm open land out west in the plains and raise a family. You could head even further west to seek gold and fortune. There were as many dreams as there were dreamers.

I am beginning a series on TFM called “WHAT BUILT AMERICA.” I want to explore the values of the past in hopes it will inspire all of us to rediscover and apply them for today.

While many people immigrated to America seeking opportunity, the majority didn’t leave. They stayed in Europe. They continued living under the political and religious systems that persecuted them and limited their freedoms. How is it going for their descendants? Well, no need for much commentary there.

It was America where those who thought they had a better opportunity were heading to leave the old behind… for religious, political, and financial opportunity. It was the spirit of these folks that formed a new government and new way of living. They based this life on freedom and liberty of course, but even more so on that simple, perfect line Thomas Jefferson wrote into the Declaration of Independence: the pursuit of happiness.

Listening to Obama address Congress the other day, I thought of those people. He was talking about a “fair chance” for folks, rhetoric about the middle class losing its place in our country. He laid out his vision of how he will level the playing field, create fair rules and regulations, provide government assistance, start new programs, re-distribute the fair share, and more taxation to certain privileged classes to make things better for average folks.

Summed up: “The government will help create this opportunity for you.”

When did we turn from a country that relied on our own personal efforts to one that relied on our government for this help? Our ancestors had no safety nets. There were few rules. There was no healthcare plan. Retirement? Sorry. And they weren’t waiting on speeches from politicians. They were creating it as they went.

You could die in the Rockies passing through to California from an early winter storm. You might fail at your business and have no food for your family. While these and many other risks abounded, the opportunity for freedom and personal reward trumped the dangers. Over and over people chose freedom and risk with this personal initiative for themselves and their family. They were flocking to their own chance. They had seen what a government could do to personal freedoms. They were escaping it.

I think it’s human nature to fall into the trap of seeking comfort over finding courage. Safety trumps risk. Handouts and assistance often seem preferable over any personal initiatives. But as humans, and as men, it is our job to realize that our Nation, our communities, and our families must see that is not the best path. The life we want has to be fought for.

When the government is put in the position to bring fairness, it also gives it all kinds of control. Once they have that power, that control can move in many directions. As a society, we risk falling into the trap of becoming dependent on those entitlements.

If no one votes for the hard choices anymore, preferring to take the easy way out, then our democracy may crumble before us. The motivated citizens are replaced with people who want fairness because they lack the motivation to level the playing field on their own.

We need to get back to seeking personal opportunity. That is what America is about. We stand on the shoulders of the men of our past who lived true to this ideal. Your great great someone and mine.

Personal initiative is part of what built America. The freedom to create and build and grow and explore without much interference is what made it great. I think what strengthened the resolve of our ancestors to launch out on their own, was accepting that life was hard and not always fair. They believed that courage was a greater goal than handouts and comforts. They were willing to accept the arduous task of working hard. It wasn’t a guarantee or an entitlement, it was a choice that they made to seek it.

This is how many of the folks who came to America began. We need to go out and kick ass to show it’s still true. So, let’s seek a life of personal freedoms and opportunity by living that out today. It is one aspect of the dream that built America. What can sustain it? The hard work of dreamers like you and me.

By guest columnist Xan Hood, CEO/Founder of Buffalo & Company / Buffalo Jackson

  1. Itsadeepburn

    well I’ll be damned if that wasn’t the most inspirational thing I’ve heard since the Clint Eastwood superbowl ad.

    13 years ago at 6:24 pm

    A great column, and the inspiration and call to personal motivation should ring true for every American here. However, there is also such a thing as social responsibility. Does not everyone deserve these opportunities we are blessed with as Americans, including those less fortunate? What about the unemployed veterans of which there are now record numbers? Your grandparents who broke their backs to provide for your parents, their retirements are in jeopardy… Obama’s tax plans can help level the playing field to help ensure individual financial freedom. As honest citizens and future earners in the US economy, I believe it is our social responsibility to continue to provide these opportunities.

    13 years ago at 7:25 pm
    1. RightWingFratMan

      LIBERAL. Obama’as tax plans redistribute the hard earned cash of the wealthy to the poor.

      13 years ago at 8:15 pm
    2. xanbuffalojackson

      Great question. Who is responsible for those in our society? I think we owe it to our soldiers to care for them when we ask them to serve and risk their lives. In regards to our other social responsibilities… Check out this video by Milton Friedman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rls8H6MktrA&feature=related “It is not the government that has responsibility, people have responsibility.”

      13 years ago at 8:21 pm
    3. Davy Crockett

      As a society, we have a responsibility to our veterans who defended us and our freedoms with their lives. At the very least, the federal government or the state governments should make reasonable provisions for veterans to have housing, medical care, and job training for several years, but not much longer than that. They may be veterans, but by letting them live on the government dole for too long we are in turn weakening them and their sense of responsibility. Obviously exceptions should be made for those who are incapable of taking care of themselves, but I think my sentiment is clear.

      However, we don’t owe jack-shit to these clowns:


      13 years ago at 8:37 pm
    4. Davy Crockett

      Normally I don’t think the federal government should ever be involved with any such welfare programs, but since the veterans risked their lives in the service of this country, I think a federal program (for a limited period of time) would be acceptable here. Any other type of “welfare” programs should enacted by private entities.

      13 years ago at 8:40 pm
    5. high kapp

      Too many words. Go blog somewhere so I don’t have to scroll past your bull shit.

      13 years ago at 2:14 am
    6. USS Hazer

      I’m an unemployed veteran, I’ll be good and damned before I take welfare or unemployment though. I’ll either make it on my own or I won’t. I’ll just go back into the military if I have to, but I’m not taking a handout. It’s this little shitty thing called pride. Some of us still have it.

      13 years ago at 3:47 am
    7. Success

      While I respect and admire our armed forces, I can’t agree with pure handouts, especially with fully voluntary armed forces. If the draft were reinstated? Absofuckinglutely. Those that volunteer? No. They definitely deserve some assistance but much like USS above, they don’t want to be coddled and I don’t agree that it’s society’s responsibility to do so.

      13 years ago at 3:42 pm
  3. futurestradeCME

    I want to fucking throw up everytime Obama opens up his fucking mouth about “their fair share.” Last I checked, my Grandpa never made over $30k in his lifetime… My Dad grew up in a house he had to share in Chicago with 3 other families in his early days and started working when he was 12 on top of going to school. Didn’t cry about any government hand outs, he sucked it up like a fucking adult, worked hard, and was able to retire when he was 45 and can do whatever he wants. Did he take any money from any of these idiot liberals? No. The best thing that could happen to this nation is Air Force One crashing to the ground with Obama and his fat fucking wife on board.

    13 years ago at 7:35 pm
    1. GloryGlory

      I agree with your points, but in all seriousness, wishing the death of a president is never appropriate.

      13 years ago at 8:38 pm
    2. StuntinLikeImFratty

      FuturestradeCME – Similar story for my family except one generation further back. My great grandfather had 12 children who all lived in a small shack in middle Tennessee. My grandfather had an 8th grade education but fought in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. He took a job at 19 as a merchant marine, working 20 hours a day in the engine room. He would be gone for 6 months at a time, traveling around the world, not being able to spend much time with my father. When he was home, he never wore anything but his work suit around and people would look down on him until they realized he made bank. Due to his hard work, he was able to send my father to law school, who was able to provide me the opportunities I’ve had in my life. It makes me sick when black people or those of a lower social class say that they are stuck in their position. They claim they are stuck when they aren’t even doing the work necessary to get themselves out of the bad position they’re in. The crap that Obama is doing is just furthering this atrocious mindset that, unfortunately, many Americans have today.

      13 years ago at 11:04 am
  4. FratfricanAmerican

    What built America? My fucking people, after having been enslaved by your people.

    13 years ago at 8:50 pm
  5. Brocreation

    Xan, you turn a silly website into an inspirational one, and you are awesome for it.

    13 years ago at 9:07 pm
  6. Alpha Frat

    Nice to see Xan back on here, and as usual he is spot on. Government shouldn’t create the opportunity, it’s already there. They just shouldn’t restrict the opportunity.

    13 years ago at 9:37 pm