What We Know About Frexit: Fraternity Referendum To Leave IFC Has Campus Up In Arms
In a heated referendum vote, fraternities at the University of North Carolina have voted to cut ties with the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
51 percent of fraternity members voted to leave IFC, while 49 percent were adamant about remaining tied with the organization.
“The dawn is breaking over an independent land of fraternities,” Chi Nu Nick Farage told student media members after the vote.
Farage, 22, has been the unofficial leader of the movement to break away from IFC. While Farage says the decision was an economic one centered around increasing dues, many critics believe Farage is more concerned about letting minorities into better houses.
“This isn’t about dues,” explained fraternity historian Brian Barnes. “In 50 years, nobody has complained about minor increases in IFC dues. This is about Farage not having to answer to anyone about who he lets in his fraternity.”
Not all fraternities are happy with the decision. Frat Court, four houses located on the northeast side of campus, voted in solidarity to remain with the IFC. They are now exploring possible avenues to disassociate with campus fraternities and rejoin as an independent fraternity organization.
“Right now, we are exploring all possible opportunities,” Sigma Kappa Tau president Kevin Mercer said. “We will meet later today and tomorrow and likely have a decision by the end of the week.
Up until the vote, fraternity members on campus were welcome to roam from house to house on weekends and during late-nights. But now, members will have to “name five brothers” to gain entry into a different fraternity.
Dave Cameron, President of United Fraternities, a campus organization that oversees local chapters, called for the vote as a means to silence outcries of disassociation. Cameron, who has deep ties in IFC, did not expect fraternity members to act so carelessly.
On Friday morning, he stepped down from his leadership role.
“Whatever, fuck it,” he told campus media. “This shit is your problem now.”.
Not a fan of Steve, but the Dow just went down by 610. That’s not fun.
9 years ago at 3:46 pm