TFM users

What’s The Matter With You People?

TFM users

What’s the matter with you people? While you, the readers of TFM, are wishing heinous death threats upon us and detailing unholy acts of which you’d like to perform on our mothers, the readers of PGP are out here telling us about their days and hoping my allergies clear up.

Thanks for the phone call, Kevin.

I’m open to any theories you guys feel like throwing out about why PGP Kevin is such a gentle soul but TFM user “Booger_Sugar” is a complete asshole. And it’s no anomaly. Each respective site representative is a solid example of the user bases as wholes. It’s an absolute mess in here, whereas the waters of PGP are as calm as could be. Every day.

PGP: “Hey guys, this is Kevin.”
TFM: “Fuck you, Dorn.”

PGP: Podcast listener shares relatable, funny tidbit about his day.
TFM: Readers trash the site, its writers, the writers’ families, and everything they believe in.

PGP: “Dillon, I hope the allergies get better, man.”
TFM: “Dorn touches little boys.”

PGP: “Have a great day. Bye.”
TFM: “Your site is going to shit.”

Subscribe to Touching Base on iTunes for generic guy humor. No centric theme. Just three plain white guys in a podcast studio having a few laughs.

P.S. Never change because I love you all dearly.

    1. Sigma Alpha Egg sandwich

      They have the recruitment chair, her writing is somewhere in between Wally and Steve holt.

      8 years ago at 8:08 pm
      1. Dickson

        I took a look and found an awesome article about how someone accidentally slept in, invigorating stuff

        8 years ago at 8:41 am
  1. DrGonzoTFM

    You do realize that you’re probably the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, right?

    8 years ago at 12:29 pm
      1. Magnum_Dong

        Fuck toy dorn, don’t act like the hate isn’t justified when you suddenly fire several good writers, make a lot less content, and scrap your best articles.

        8 years ago at 12:41 pm
      2. TFMappsucks

        Referring to him as “Fuck Toy Dorn” is still kind of amusing though. Best unintentional way of calling him a dildo

        8 years ago at 4:36 pm
  2. Colonel Reb forever

    Dumb articles that are barely read 90% of the time, constantly late with Fail Friday, and no IGBOTD whatsoever. Fuck you Dorn.

    8 years ago at 12:30 pm
  3. Theta_Theta

    Well we say that because the site is going to shit and because dorn does touch little boys

    8 years ago at 12:35 pm
  4. Big Dumb Idiot

    I act like this because your website is going to shit and I hope you die.

    P.S. You touch little boys.

    8 years ago at 12:47 pm
  5. That drunk brother

    How to make us “gentle souls”

    1. Post Fail Friday on time
    2. Bring back Boosh and Danny
    3. Fire Wally and Steve
    4. Give us back the forums

    8 years ago at 12:53 pm
    1. FratinaHat

      5. Keep the user submitted pic of day
      6. Have the actual TFM wall displayed
      7. Rush Boobs/IBOD
      8. More user created content
      9. Don’t antagonize the few people that still go on here

      8 years ago at 3:05 pm
      1. Desmond Frattington

        42 laps? seems like there are more high schoolers than that on here!

        8 years ago at 4:35 pm