
Why Can’t I Escape This Goddamn Shirt?


Shhhhh, shhh. Jared here. And listen closely, because I don’t have much time. I’m currently in hiding. From the shirt.


Two days ago, I sat down to watch some Chopped after dinner to close out a long day of grinding content. It had been a day like most days — I woke up, threw on a golf polo, rolled into work, and was ruthlessly berated by three of the four male coworkers I sit with for the next nine hours.

“Your hair looks like that of a homeless Jimmy Neutron,” Will said.

“That’s not very nice, Will,” I responded.

“Hey tubby: I hear your car’s got a flat. Good thing you’ve got that spare tire on your stomach!” Dillon yelled.

“My car is fine. Also, you know I’m self-conscious about my weight, jerk,” I remarked.

“You’re SELF-conscious about your weight? Maybe if you spent more time thinking about others and less time thinking about yourSELF, you wouldn’t be so fucking fat,” went Rob, in typical Rob fashion.

I got to my car after the workday to find that Dave, the fourth male coworker I sit with, was not there to berate me earlier because he had been busy slashing my tires. Well done, dudes. You got me.

Anyways, I got home, ate a massive fatboy dinner because fuck those guys, and plopped down for some riveting Chopped action. What happened next changed the course of my life in ways unimaginable.

I’ve never claimed to be a fashion icon. I’m more of a fashion anti-hero, in a way. I’m well known in some circles for buying the bulk of my wardrobe at various Sports Authority going-out-of-business sales, and in other circles for once wearing the same vintage 1994 oversized Ashworth crewneck sweatshirt for 17 days in a row. I even have a podcast segment in the works for Touching Base called “The Clearance Rack” that will be centered around my valiant effort to save money by cutting back hard in an area most people are far too scared to: my appearance. So in that sense, I have nothing but respect for people who dress the same way I dress.

But a strip club chef? No. Nope. No thanks. Don’t get me wrong — I respect this man’s contribution to society. More power to him. Feeding horny dudes braised meat is cool, I guess. But I just personally don’t want to be associated with that brand of riff raff. Especially when he can’t even make a damn appetizer out of alpaca hot dogs.

I thought the worst was over. I thought I’d weathered the storm. Then I got the text.

Now, this man is playing golf at 11 a.m. on a Wednesday. I respect that. The problem here? Those 12-inch inseam shorts. Inexcusable. Who are you, Rafa Nadal? Shorts going past the knees is like nose hair going past the nostrils, YouTube pre-roll ads, and every Daniel Day Lewis movie — too long.

This trend of people with whom I fundamentally disagree popping up wearing my shirt has me hunkered down in my walk-in closet among my vast golf polo collection with hopes that I’ll never see anyone wearing my shirt ever again.

I can’t talk any longer. I think I just heard someone on the TV in the living room say “60% off.”

  1. AndrewsMomsAss

    Don’t worry, Jared! Andrew has that shirt and he’s the coolest kid in the Poetry Club!

    8 years ago at 12:26 pm
      1. Henry_Eighth

        Thevaginator flunked out of school and had to take a job at a Chuck E Cheese in Knoxville. But look on the bright side, vag: Dorn will give you a lifetime supply of Dicks Out For Harambe t-shirts in exchange for your contact list of 8-year-olds.

        8 years ago at 5:32 am
      2. Drunk Chris Berman

        I didn’t know all it took for you to get triggered was a commenter on the internet

        8 years ago at 10:13 am
      3. thevaginator

        How about you sit this one out chief. Don’t want you to get your feelings hurt

        8 years ago at 1:22 pm
      4. RisingFratstarOfTX

        He’all still be the same homo. Weekend ain’t gonna change that.

        8 years ago at 2:10 pm
      5. thevaginator

        You again? I thought you learned. You fuck with the bull you get the horns. And I am a fucking bull

        8 years ago at 11:03 pm
      6. Henry_Eighth

        Damn, vag, you are the most efficient downvote-getter since Keep It Buttery (whatever happened to that guy?). Your persistence rivals that of BayBro. But maybe you should try using your radbeer account.

        8 years ago at 4:25 pm
      7. Chedda B 225

        You’re a pussy. Fly out to Long Island McArthur airport and I’ll fight you in the airport’s parking lot.

        8 years ago at 9:27 pm
  2. Henry_Eighth

    Just think how many millions of high schoolers you’ll match with when you wear your Dicks Out For Harambe t-shirt from Rowdy Gentleman.

    8 years ago at 12:33 pm
  3. golfs_finest

    Every time a TFM writer’s tweet gets a little bit of attention, they write a column about it.

    8 years ago at 12:50 pm
  4. richdaddybowtiefrat

    While all you peasants are way down there crawling from your shantys with your Obama phones to the clearance racks to spend your welfare checks and food stamps, I’m blowing thousands at the Louis Vuitton store with my American Express Black Card. Of course I take several pledges (AKA slaves) with me to hold all of my bags. I’ve spent so much money at Louis Vuitton that they have a slam waiting to suck my fratrocket as a thank you. #AnotherLavishDay

    8 years ago at 1:25 pm
    1. SomethingSomethingDangerZone

      Does the pleasure you get from trolling every article on this site really outweigh the time it takes to think out and type this stuff? I’m not trying to shit on you, I’m just genuinely wondering what your deal is.

      8 years ago at 2:19 pm
      1. richdaddybowtiefrat

        You calling me a troll, peasant? Is richdaddybowtiefrat gunna have to choke a bitch?

        8 years ago at 5:03 pm
    2. HGL_JMU

      No you’re not, you’re aimlessly trolling a college humor site everyday like a fuckin loser. Cool call me a peasant for going to a public school that has a more strict acceptance rate than your fuckin NC private school that advertises their online programs on every billboard along I-81.

      8 years ago at 2:39 pm
      1. thevaginator

        You get your feelings hurt champ? How about going back to your safe space and crying about it

        8 years ago at 9:59 pm
      2. richdaddybowtiefrat

        Get off this site you NF GDI Hillary supporting troll before I have to choke a bitch.

        8 years ago at 5:06 pm
      3. richdaddybowtiefrat

        You mad, bro? Let the hate slowly consume you from within peasant.

        8 years ago at 5:04 pm
    3. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      You do you, richdaddybowtiefrat. Your material is much funnier than the articles.

      8 years ago at 3:04 pm
    4. keg__atron69

      Mangina pledge is nowhere to be seen. Probably cowering in fear counting down the days until trump gets elected

      8 years ago at 7:16 pm
      1. richdaddybowtiefrat

        Yea broski. Mangina Pledge and HGL_JMU AKA Peasant Pledge are cruisin for a bruising from my boys Donny Trump and Steve “The Cannon” Bannon. We will be throwing all of the NF Hillary supporting peasants over the wall while we burn all of their cargo shorts in a huge bonfire and bang out all of their girlfriend’s beavers while blasting Danger Zone at the Rio Grande. Time for fratstars to take our country back from these leaches. #MAGA #FuckTheGeeds

        8 years ago at 5:11 pm