Why Electronic Dance Music Sucks Donkey Ass
Ladies and gentlemen of the Greek community, we are in the midst of a horrific plague. No, I’m not talking about a repeat of the ‘09 herpes scare that left your house in nervous and itchy shambles (for future reference: sometimes it’s only a swarm of bed bugs getting a little too friendly). And for once, believe it or not, I’m not even speaking of about the endless scourge of vocal young liberals who plan to regurgitate their agendas until every privately owned weapon in the country is replaced with a sticky grape flavored blunt.
No my friends, this fast-spreading epidemic has nothing to do with genitalia or politics. This column is about a genre of music that is sweeping the ecstasy craving youth of America into a laser lit tornado. Today, we’re going to examine a few reasons this sweeping new craze of Electronic Dance Music is ruining the state of modern music one grueling fax machine squeal at a time.
Idiotic DJ Names
While this may not be the case for all of our readers, here in Florida it seems a new popular EDM “artist” springs up damn near every day. What do all of these goofy mismatches of humanity have in common? Besides the basic understanding of a computer program, these guys all seem to be have names that sound straight out of your neighborhood porn shop’s buttplug aisle.
You might think I’m just exaggerating this fact, but since you guys know I love lists, I’d like to show you just how right I am. Here are a few “artists” with names that sound more like sex toys, and trust me when I say there are more where these came from: Afrojack, Breach, Max Enforcer, Excision, Dirtyphonics, Mr. Skeleton, Gigamesh, Delta Heavy.
Okay, fine. You can’t judge an entire genre just because of a few DJ’s whose names sound like particularly menacing dildos. Luckily, I’m just getting started.
Drugs Are The Only Reason It’s Popular
We’ve finally arrived at the core of the laughably pathetic EDM scene. While so many fans are in denial about this universal fact, all we need to do is look at the reality of the situation. If most fans can’t attend a concert without snorting, popping, and smoking as many drugs as their self-loathing bodies will allow, maybe the genre isn’t all that good to begin with?
Of course the music sounds good when the rims of your nostrils are lined with pure, crystallized MDMA. I could play “Gangnam Style” in a room full of Mollied up EDM fans, and by the second verse I guarantee each and every one of them would be having the time of their lives. By the end of the song I could probably convince them the song was actually a symbolic anthem regarding the struggle of a divided Korea. Do all the drugs you want, they can be a hell of a time, but don’t let those substances convince you that this music is any better than listening to a glorified Mrs. Pac Man soundtrack.
The Only Instrument Is A “Play” Button
Have you ever seen what an EDM performer actually looks like during a concert? Typically he’s out there having a hell of a time: clapping his hands, popping champagne, sometimes even grabbing a little boobage during an impromptu crowd surf. You know what all of these things have in common? Someone who was actually performing music for you couldn’t fucking do them.
While the degree of activity varies by which DJ you’re talking about, every single one has a full mix kit in front of him with turntables and all sorts of other technology lacking any real purpose. Even the guys who seem most into it probably just have their MacBook stored away in the cupboard below. There is no such thing as “live” EDM music; there are only psychedelic laser dance parties.
It’s Almost All The Same
This final and most important point is also the one that will surely rustle the most jimmies of the pro-EDM community. I can hear them already.
“No way man, you can’t compare someone like DJ Blue Waffle to DJ Calisthenics. That’s like comparing apples and oranges soaked in LSD!”
Easy there, champ. Your dopamine receptors might be fried from your biweekly snorting sprees, but let’s take an honest look at the music here. Every single song follows the exact same format. From the generic (typically) female vocal sample in each song’s beginning, to the inevitable drum-snare-highhat buildup just before the drop, it’s safe to say that the first 60 seconds of every EDM song are just about identical. By the time the drop hits (and the entire crowd’s drugs come kicking in) the only thing that matters is giving the audience a fat bass-line combined with sounds that makes it seem like the entire room is connecting to AOL Dial Up for the first time.
Hot chicks in furry boots. Hot, sexy, undergrads everywhere. I’m down for that.
11 years ago at 8:44 pmThere was a time, long ago, where TFM posted a column titled “Dubstep: What the 99% Call music.” This was long before ^This or Take a Lap buttons existed and none of you asshats were on here polluting this site.
Everyone in the comments agreed that it was indeed a cancerous form of noise pollution and we concluded that it was for GDI faggots who want to tweak out in the corner of a club on methamphetamines and never get laid. Back then, real men listened to country and classic rock. Legends like CCR and Skynyrd.
2 years later, TFM has come full circle. SFPL writes a column bashing EDM (which is the same as dubstep, admit it you fucking drug addict hippie) and it is met with widespread opposition, with some users going so far as to call him a GDI pussy. That’s TFM used to call the people who liked this shitty genre. But you wouldn’t remember that because you were all sophomores in high school drinking 6 packs of heineken in a parking lot in those days.
So don’t tell me what is frat and what isn’t. Or that people who don’t like EDM don’t know how to rage. Because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
11 years ago at 8:53 pm^fucking this, right here.
11 years ago at 9:50 pmPreach.
11 years ago at 1:02 amI believe after the picture of Kaskade’s set at Ultra last year, the one where the entire stage was lit up with American Flags, it was determined that Dubstep is NF, and House Music is FaF. It’s all EDM though. I guess no one else has been around long enough to remember that.
11 years ago at 1:24 amWhile I agree with most of what you just said, you’re trying way too hard. And who said it was impossible to like country, classic rock, and EDM? Everything’s got a time and place.
11 years ago at 12:36 pmCorrect me if I’m wrong, but I believe you are not an active fraternity member.
11 years ago at 2:00 pm^^Obviously any rant in a comment section of this site is going to come across as trying very hard. I’m merely pointing out the massive 180 the TFM community’s opinion has made with regard to EDM/Dubstep. It’s like if tomorrow cargo shorts were all of the sudden super frat, and everyone was shitting on people who don’t like them. To people who’ve been here a while it just wouldn’t make any sense.
^And yes, you are correct. I graduated this year. But this EDM craze was in full swing while I was an active, so I still feel entitled to get butthurt about it.
11 years ago at 3:11 pmBetter days brother, better days…
11 years ago at 3:36 pmDubstep is a FORM of EDM. It is not EDM. Sit down.
11 years ago at 8:37 am^^^ I love certain styles of EDM, but I HATE dubstep. Not the same thing. Also, cargo shorts will not become frat. How can you say something like that?
11 years ago at 1:22 pm^^^^ you sir are a scholar, and a gentleman.
11 years ago at 2:40 pmAt first glance, I can definitely see how and why someone would think such things about electronic music. Delve a little deeper and you might be surprised by what you’ll find. But then again, if you did that there wouldn’t be anything to rant about, leaving you without material.
11 years ago at 9:01 pmI have never seen so much butt-hurt about a TFM article in my life… even if you’re into the EDM shit, chill out.
11 years ago at 9:43 pmYou say drugs make this genre but how many country concerts have you been to sober?
11 years ago at 9:48 pmyes you are right. but guess what, its a bigger party than any rager that any bodys house can produce. Remember that raves are all about fun. Raves=Party, Party=Fun
11 years ago at 9:48 pmWhy the fuck do any of you care? Your opinion on what good music is is your own. This article is one persons opinion on EDM. But it is true that unless you take MDMA, or your drug of choice, you aren’t going to understand this lifestyle.
11 years ago at 9:55 pmMost of your articles are horrible, but you managed to surprise me and write one of the most out of touch pieces of shit I have ever read. I don’t know who to blame. You or the fucking shit head that hired you. How can you even name yourself “stufffratpeoplelike” when nobody likes anything that you say?
11 years ago at 10:21 pmJust want to make a comment just on the ‘Idiotic DJ Names’ part. Aside from Afrojack, I doubt many could even recognize any of those artists. But band names and stage names are all in the shitter these days not just EDM. Look at what we have, One Direction…. oh shit shurlock, why not we do 5 Directions cause 5 people are in our boyband? Or how about The Band Perry…. does this band name make any sense to anyone who isnt a fanboy of them? Or Little Bog Town? That;s like saying ya, our band is called Ugly Cute Horse Ass. There is just no creativity, opposite adjectives + noun… c’mon! Even Ke$ha putting a dollar sign in her name is more creative!
11 years ago at 10:55 pmObviously SFPL doesn’t know what stuff Frat people like…
11 years ago at 11:13 pm