Why Girls Should Not Cut Their Hair Short
None of us grew up looking at or imagining ourselves with women rocking a solid scissor fade. Still, over the past couple of years, there has been a disturbing trend spreading across gender lines: pixie cuts. Knockouts such as Catwoman and Hermoine have famously fallen victim to the shorter hairstyle trend and Beyoncé honestly just looked like she was trying to pull off the frat swoop.
If you have any female interaction on social media, whatsoever, you may also have seen Jennifer Lawrence’s new ‘do. Though every chick on the planet begs “Can we just be best friends? Why is she perfect?” you’d only bang her if she lost ten pounds. Now, shedding some lbs. might not even do it. Lawrence didn’t go full-on pixie short, but the results are equally disastrous.
Since most girls “OMG, WANT TO BE” Jennifer Lawrence, I fear this has the potential to kick off a horrible reactionary chain of events amongst the female populace. Girls, I’m here to save you from yourself. If you’re a woman in your prime, short hair is an overwhelmingly bad idea.
If Celebrities Can’t Pull It Off, You Can’t
As SFPL noted in his brilliant social commentary on high-waisted shorts, just because a celebrity or a supermodel can pull something off, does not mean you can. You might look at Rihanna and think “That’s edgy, that’s worth aiming for,” but she also rocks the “I just got punched by my boyfriend” look, so her judgment is questionable at best.
For pixie cuts, the “But celebs are doing it!” logic doesn’t even apply. Watch Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises and compare it to her acceptance of the award for Les Mis with a haircut you’d drunkenly give a pledge. Watch Emma Watson lick her lips in one of the best .GIFs on the internet and then compare it to her Willard-style combover. Watch Beyoncé in literally anything and then compare it to her trying to pull off her best Roger Dorn flow. Normal ladies, if these fine women can’t pull it off, you don’t even stand a chance.
You Will Stand Out, But Not In A Good Way
There are certain things about girls that a guy only notices if they are spectacular or spectacularly awful. Tits, ass, legs, and a couple other things stand out regardless, but a girl’s eyes are only worth noting if they look photoshopped in real life or if they are hanging out of their sockets. The same logic applies to hair, where outside of blonde, brunette, and easy, the male population will give a collective shrug in regard to her having curled it, straightened it, pulled it up, or having done whatever else she spends an hour and a half doing before she goes out. We only notice the length when it happens to rival our own.
Maybe we take for granted your impeccable sense of style, flawless skin tone, or professionally whitened and straightened teeth, but trust me, if you dress like a moron, if you’re covered in acne, or if you’re chewing on glass, we pick it up immediately. If I even have an opinion on girl hairstyles, by default, it means that the hairstyle either has to be terrible or on Adriana Lima.
They Amplify Your Flaws To Other Girls
If there are acceptable times for a lady to have short hair, it is at the two extremes of her life. My grandma has short hair and it fits her. My 1-year-old cousin does, too, and that’s fine. The difference between them and you is that they have no one to impress. If you’re in the female sweet spot, between the ages of 18 and 28, you certainly do.
“But we don’t cut our hair for men, we cut it for ourselves!” the tired chorus cries out. This isn’t just about impressing guys, though. All of those odd insecurities you have about your looks are only highlighted with short hair. Other girls will notice them immediately as well. If you have bad teeth or some other sort of imperfection, with short hair, you’re putting it front and center. Even if you don’t have a glaring flaw, there’s one thing of which I’m sure: your face is going to look fat. Need further proof? Look at that picture of ole Jennifer Lawrence above and remember that she looked fine before.
I thought this was TFM not TSM, read the article, laugh. If you don’t like it go and watch some rush boobs and feel better. Quit bitching about everything
11 years ago at 8:42 amAs a sorority woman who lost her hair fighting cancer and now has a short, curly pixie cut, this article only enforces why, while my hair is growing back, I still insist on wearing a long, blonde wig every single day. Women with short hair aren’t considered to be beautiful by so many people, especially in the Greek system, and since I no longer look sick, people who don’t know my story judge me when I go wigless. Thank you, RogerSterlingJr, for reinforcing every single thing I’ve said to people when they ask me why I don’t rock my short, natural curls. It’s sad that you’re not the only one who thinks like this, and that men like you are the reason I hide by true self every day for the sake of feeling “beautiful”.
11 years ago at 10:58 amWhile i disagree with the morons like austinatalie for saying “You’re the reason so many women are raped and killed” seriously? really? hahaha ughhh *clears throat* against my better judgement i’ll just say it…i actually think DONE RIGHT the short sassy look is fuckin hot. I also know some guys that feel the same way. Rock it babe.
11 years ago at 1:43 pm
11 years ago at 11:45 amThe amazing effort and attention to detail needs to be commended.. Love it
11 years ago at 1:59 pmThis needs to be top comment
11 years ago at 4:41 pmfuk yes feminstz r wors den mi kronik diarea
11 years ago at 6:40 amahahahhahahhahahah feminists just want equal rights. this is misogyny lol.
11 years ago at 11:03 amhow you keep your hair has nothing to do with anything.
11 years ago at 12:09 amLet’s be honest, ladies. 95% of us would look like absolute fucking dogs with a pixie cut. I always discourage my friends when they ask me if they should cut their hair short. It’s not feminine and it looks awful. All these bra-burning, hairy legged, liberal feminists are in denial and are under the delusion that they would look good in short hair. Hell, they’re probably the same ones who think dreadlocks are okay.
11 years ago at 12:03 pmI look cute with my hair short, dont be a dumbfuck, Not all woman who have short hair are bra-burning, hairy legged liberal feminists. Like maybe you should get educated
11 years ago at 12:30 amHahaha. No. All women are beautiful in their own way. Don’t be a fucking idiot Glampiece.
11 years ago at 8:26 pm^Nah some girls are trolls
11 years ago at 10:37 pm^
11 years ago at 11:39 pmHell yeah
11 years ago at 3:24 amThis is a satirical website. We make fun of ourselves, meaning the Greek community, as well as other social groups on college campuses across the nation. The author is simply stating his opinion, that he doesn’t find girls with short hair the least bit attractive. That’s fine. Nowhere in the article does he demand all women have long, flowing hair. If all you females out there are so unhappy with his opinion, expressing such disgust and disdain for the author, then you have nothing to worry about. You won’t have to associate yourself with him because he clearly doesn’t want to associate with you and your short hair. This is an opinion piece on a satire website. No different than a piece I’m sure you would write for you college newspaper stating what your perfect tall, dark, and handsome man is. Get over and stick to worrying about real issues, rather than berating someone for saying your short haircut is unattractive.
11 years ago at 12:40 pmThank you, sir.
11 years ago at 1:28 pmGet off the internet and back in the kitchen, ladyfolk
11 years ago at 3:03 pmthen get off your ass and get to fixing my car
11 years ago at 7:35 am^That’ll cost you a blow job mam.
11 years ago at 1:37 pmMake a list off the hottest girl with short hair off the top of your head, then ill make one of the hottest girls with long (normal) hair, and we will compare said results
11 years ago at 3:27 pmThree points to all the annoying hipster killjoys that for what ever reason are now reading TFM and trying to make it into a fixer upper for the sensitive politically correct audience I didn’t know existed here.
1. This is TFM, get over it. Go make your annoying comments on the Huffington Post from now on.
2. Arguing on the internet is very much like the Special Olympics, no matter who wins all the participants are still retarded.
3. Don’t you have some offs to go fuck, I’m sure you can find them while your at Urban Outfitters this weekend.
11 years ago at 3:58 pmWomen, all we’re saying is that you look better with long hair, and uglier with short hair. That’s it, end of story. You may still cut your hair as you please; just know that you look much less attractive to everyone.
11 years ago at 4:08 pmI have a feeling the word “satire” is lost on a lot of people
11 years ago at 4:47 pm