Why Girls Should Stop Wearing High-Waisted Shorts


I’d like to preface this one with a disclaimer: I am not a fashion designer. Man, it feels good to get that one off my chest. All I am is a guy who has some strong opinions and a keyboard, and I’d like to take some time out of your day to talk about a fashion epidemic that is making the beautiful asses of the world disappear, one by one.

If the title and that astoundingly subtle lead-in didn’t clue you in enough, I’m talking about the late-’80s craze of high-waisted shorts resurfacing on the rumps of college-aged girls everywhere. If the Bieber Fever epidemic has taught us anything, it’s this: just because something is popular, it doesn’t mean it’s actually a good thing. I’m here to explain why this high-waisted trend has become nearly as unwelcome as the Canadian pop icon himself.

Only Supermodels Look Good In Them

I know there are exceptions to every rule out there. If you REALLY think you know someone who can pull off the high-waist look, then please feel free to email me some photographic proof. For the vast majority of girls, however, this fashion statement just doesn’t cut it.

Sure, the smoking hot supermodels of the world have the ass/breast/waist ratio to make this look happen, but chances are most girls on your college campus don’t come anywhere close. There are plenty of other trendy clothes to wear that don’t make you look like a two-year-old who is overconfident in his potty-training abilities. Let’s leave the “I’m a big kid now!” style pull-ups to the toddlers.

Your Homemade Pair Looks Even Worse

Look, I get it. It sounds like a great idea in theory. You head down to Goodwill, pick up the most mom-tastic pair of jeans you can find, and spend an afternoon slicing, dicing, and acid-washing until you’re left with a seemingly fashionable pair of chest-chokers. If only it were that easy. In most cases, the end result of this scissor-session looks more like your dog went on a destructive rampage in your closet.

If you’re going to ignore my advice and still rock the high-waisted look, the least you can do is own it with a pair of professionally made shorts. There’s a reason that some random 48-year-old gave away those hip blasting abominations. She sure as hell didn’t expect them to be transformed into a $3.50 crafting project for a sorority girl on a budget. Remember ladies, just because you can craft up an amazing cooler, it doesn’t mean you’re quite ready to make a fashion statement with a highrise pair of decade-old Levi’s.

They Make Great Asses Disappear

This is a magic trick that David Blaine couldn’t even pull off, yet these mom jean enthusiasts shock crowds with no sleight-of-hand or magic words required. The second almost any well-proportioned gal fastens that ribcage choking waistband, she might as well proclaim, “Now you see it! Now you don’t!”

Before the feminists start blasting me on Twitter, I realize that not every item of women’s clothing is made for the sole purpose of enticing sexual interest from men. But come on, ladies. These might be hip right now, but they aren’t doing your natural blessings any favors. As the old adage goes, “If you got it, flaunt it, and don’t hide it behind a lung choking tribute to trendiness.”

They Remind Us Of Our Grandmothers

First and foremost, I love my grandma. She’s a phenomenal cook, a great person, and writes one hell of a $12 birthday check every year. I just think the categories of “people I want to have sex with” and “my parent’s mother” should never have this much crossover.

It’s a scientific fact that the older a person gets, the higher up their waistline ultimately becomes. It’s like the opposite of the effect that gravity ultimately holds over your nipples. Why speed the process along on your 65-year journey to the old lady lifestyle by dressing like one now?


  1. speedycroissant

    Yo, I’m really just trying to man-repel as best as I can out here. Thanks for the feedback on how to do it correctly. Gotta ward off the douches, you feel me?

    11 years ago at 6:27 pm
  2. feminismisimportant

    when men think their opinion about what we wear is important….bye…

    like when will you realize no one give a fuck if you think they look bad

    11 years ago at 6:42 pm
  3. BigBoss

    Whothefuckcares. Some chicks look good in them, some don’t. Just like anything else.

    11 years ago at 6:43 pm
  4. z1601916

    LOL if you really think this article will stop girls from wearing whatever the fuck they want, then you are sorely mistaken. After reading it they’ll immediately want to put on their high waisted shorts as a “fuck you” to assholes like you. Oh, and also because they’re fucking fabulous and no guy is gonna change their minds about that. Prick.

    11 years ago at 7:11 pm
  5. maxxykitty

    This guy looks like douche and I guarantee he has a tiny dick. Not average, not even slightly mediocre, TINY..
    Ladies, don’t get offended by a man who clearly cannot (or would even know how to) handle a woman who can rock a beautiful ass is high-waisted shorts. What this guy fails to realize is that high-waisted shorts are an acceptable, public form of lingerie. I want everyone to take a second and think.. if you replaced the shorts with a high-waisted gartner with some lacy thigh-highs, wouldn’t you just explode?! It’s the same thing. Even if women are wearing the shorts to please themselves, there’s a big part of them doing it to tease men too. If you can’t put the two together you’re completely missing the mark.
    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why tiny dick is writing articles and not I’m bed with some sexy-ass, high-waisted short wearing bitches. (I am woman, I deserve the right to call myself a bitch, sorry if that offends any other women. Not sorry to tiny dick.)
    To the author:
    If you’re thinking about your grandmother while looking at my ass you should probably see a doctor cause the issue isn’t my perfect ass it’s you.

    11 years ago at 7:54 pm
    1. chadchad

      Theres nothing more disgusting than your fucking attitude. And i know you dont care about my opinion i get that but its horrendous. Do you know what self-reflection is? Have you ever had an existential thought? Do you know what that means without googling it? Like seriously, you call some dudes dick tiny that youve never met before for writing a controversial article over something as stupid as high waisted shorts. What? And then claim that your this awesome beautiful ass woman that the tiny dick should be droooling over? Get the fuck outta here your the definition of a woman who isn’t helping her fellow ladies’ cause.

      9 years ago at 5:31 pm
    2. chadchad


      9 years ago at 5:38 pm
  6. c-kat

    Alright. So I agree with this. The reason I agree is because women don’t dress for comfort unless they are completely satisfied with themselves and their partner. Those women don’t wear these shorts, they wear sweats and such… So women do wear these to feel more confident but what most girls either don’t realize or try to deny is the fact that what makes girls more confident is when they know they are being checked out by the opposite sex.So whether you realize it or not girls you are dressing to impress men. I love my body and I’m completely happy with myself however I still dress to impress my man. When he says he doesn’t like something on me then I stop wearing it. Even though I am confident I still like when I know my boyfriend is checking me out. If you’re dressing in stuff that makes you feel confident is not because you just thought you looked good but rather in your subconscious you told yourself that men would think you were sexy and women would be jealous of you. I don’t find this article sexist or demeaning at all!!!!! It’s actually true. Because the reality of the situation is if you didn’t give a shot about what others thought of you you wouldn’t wear make up and you wouldn’t dress sexy or fashionable. If you disagree with me then that’s fine. But it means you’re in denial. Confidence is being truly 100% comfortable with the way you look without any assistance. Otherwise you are pretending to be someone or something you’re not. Other words you’re fake. You dye your hair it’s fake. Make up on, covering up your real face it’s fake… etc. And it is biological instinct for women to make themselves look more appealing to the opposite sex.that’s why when a girl likes a guy her voice week literally go up an octave. It is our instinct. You can disagree after you do research and educate yourselves on human nature.

    11 years ago at 8:01 pm
    1. feminismisimportant

      hey so here is an idea…maybe women just wanna look good for themselves because it’s natural to want to look good???? why do you think you know what’s going on in our heads???? you don’t Jesus Christ NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU MEN.

      11 years ago at 8:22 pm
      1. c-kat

        I am a WOMAN. So I know what goes on in my head. It doesn’t hurt my self worth. I do not let men degrade me out treat me poorly. But on the other hand I know that I wear stuff purposely to get my boyfriend attention to keep him attracted to me physically. I also do things to keep him attracted to me emotionally. For example, I cook him dinner when he has had a long day at work. Or clean the house when I’m home just before he gets off so he can just relax. Or i will do his laundry if I notice is been awhile and he’s too exhausted to do it. I do these things FOR HIM because I love him and the only thing in this world that can make me as happy as possible is when I can do things for him and see his face light up. He does the same for me. It’s not degrading at all. Woman like you are why there are “no good women out there anymore” because you’re stuck in this mentality that men don’t give a crap about us and just do things for themselves. And yes there are men like that. But not all men are. And for the most part of you have a special man in your life the thing that will make him happiest is to see you happy. But not at the cost his own happiness. By that I mean he will not be happy if the only thing that makes you happy is when you “make” him stop doing things that he enjoys like drinking with his buddies or watching the game or playing video games. A relationship is about trust, personal space and mutual respect. If he is giving up all his free time and things he enjoys to make you happy then you are doing something wrong. Same goes for the other way around. If you give up what you like doing and who you truly are to make him happy then he is doing something wrong. So if you like wearing something and wouldn’t change it for anyone then don’t let anyone change you. But at the same time dressing to impress our attract your man well that’s not degrading.

        11 years ago at 3:13 pm
    2. feminismisimportant

      and I know you say you’re a woman…but I sincerely hope that isn’t true because this ideals in women are really trying to hurt our self worth

      11 years ago at 8:30 pm
  7. C-Mikk Elle Son

    Totally agitated by this douche bags opinions, and guys wonder why girls lack self confidence…sheesh! Counter argument: 1.) this guys a fucking jerk 2.) there’s no such thing as “super model” proportions 3.) there is such a thing as Photoshop 4.) Idk of a single person who bought their high waisted shorts as used, 29yr old, Levi jeans and put in a days effort to hope they turn out looking decent 4.) the girls wearing and rocking these shorts confidently and comfortably spend the extra $ to buy NEW pairs at our favorite, trendiest stores. Have you not walked through a mall lately? 5.) girls who r not fortunate enough to have half an ass can emphasis their buns by showing off their tiny waists creating a big booty judy illusion and girls who already got it, these shorts definitely help them flaunt ti! 6.) grandmas everywhere r proud of their granddaughters for finally covering up their plumber cracks 7.) bro tanks and muscles shirts…well us girls keep our mouths shut about those when you look like a total douche nugget, FYI you ARE NOT built like Ryan Reynolds 8.) I’d like to see this guys chipped and chiseled perfect body….and 9.)TBH girls don’t dress to impress guys, they dress to impress themselves and wear clothes that allow them to feel confident, which everyone tries to convince us is true beauty, but that gets harder to believe with contradicting messages from guys like this. Rant over!

    11 years ago at 8:01 pm
  8. ashley.26

    Who the fuck cares? Some people like it some people don’t. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I personally wouldn’t be attracted to a guy who tried to pull of the no shave November thing all year long (and lets be real, guys love that) and a guy might think I look fucking ugly in high waisted shorts. Does it make me an asshole for saying I don’t think the untamed beard look is sexy? No. Are guys being dicks for saying high waisted shorts are unsexy? No. There is no need for you all to get so pissed off here. There are no laws being set. You can still wear whatever the fuck you want don’t worry. And girls I am still on your side (girl power!) But I mean come on who really cares..

    11 years ago at 8:42 pm
  9. fuckyou35

    do men even understand that women dont do EVERY FUCKING THING TO SATISFY MEN?!?!
    if i wear these fucking shorts i will wear them for MYSELF and definitely not for you !
    you dont own me,no one cares about your option.

    11 years ago at 11:01 pm
  10. nattapolt

    I remember when this site was considered satire for greek life. Now this article has gone mainstream and all the crazies are coming out to comment on it. If ya’ll don’t like our humor then just go away.

    11 years ago at 11:51 pm