Why Guys Should Not Be Required To Go Down On Girls

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These last three years have been, overall, the best of my life. I bought a home, I have a great job, I’ve dated some beautiful women, and I’m three years cunnilingus free. That’s right, my tongue is free from the tyranny of the labia labyrinth, and I could not be happier.

Like many guys, I spent several years fighting in the trenches, dodging mortars and barbed wire on the muddy terrain of the vaginal Verdun, but the misery of it all brought me to the point where I had to stop. It was not enjoyable. It felt like work, and my partner would complain about my lack of enthusiasm–as if I would act like polishing her dusty furniture was enjoyable. I’ve only dated one girl who acted like eating her out was a necessity, but she was fucking nuts, so I assume she is in the minority.

I didn’t realize it had become such a big deal until several 20-something girls brought up the topic in conversation. When I mentioned my hatred of digging for clams, they looked at me as if I had said the world was flat and only 6,000 years old. I’m not an idiot. Has a lack of enjoyment while munching on tuna tacos actually become a widespread deal breaker among what our elders call an “entitled generation?” It just can’t be.

This is ridiculous. No man should have society dictate to him that he is required to shuck oysters in order to be sexually competent. Is getting the job done the old-fashioned way no longer a viable option? I was lucky enough to date a girl for a full year who preferred her orgasms come the old-fashioned way (pun intended) rather than from oral. I still made sure she finished, ’cause I’m a nice guy. Is that such a foreign concept nowadays? Am I even allowed to not like licking the spicy mayo off a California roll anymore? The radical, feminist agenda wants to force me to enjoy tongue punching their saddlebags, and no man should be pressured to subject himself to something that he doesn’t find enjoyable.

The first reason men should not be expected to clean out a woman’s fish bowl is the fact that it is, in fact, a submissive activity. She’s lying back, nearly breaking your neck with her legs, while you swirl your tongue in circles until it feels like it’s going to fall off. There is literally no way to feel manly while servicing her transmission. You quickly start to pray for her to orgasm soon so you can save some dignity. I do enough work wearing the pants, anyway. I get a nice, upper body workout swiping my fucking credit card and carrying shit that’s too heavy for her. Don’t forget carrying her when her heels hurt her feet, fixing her car, fighting her battles–and in the bedroom, who’s the one thrusting? That’s right, it’s me. For all the work I put into wearing the pants, I shouldn’t be expected to clean out her gutter as some sort of job prerequisite. I should do it if I feel like it, not because it’s mandatory.

Also, if women expect guys to go down on them, why do so many of them have subpar hygiene in their netherworld? No guy finds pleasure in eating two day old hairy sushi. That thing needs to be waxed or shaved, and it should be cleaner than a Mormon’s criminal background check.

Guys, have you ever tried to go down on a stinky box? It’s like diving head first into a garbage truck. Making it an even less pleasant experience is not going to encourage a guy to suck it up and eat the sauerkraut off your reuben.

Ultimately, muff munching is generally not a gratifying experience for a man. It only worsens the issue when we are told that we must do it and enjoy it, too. If you want a guy to do it, you’re going to have to make it pleasurable for him and well worth his while.

Oral is a much different experience for guys than it is for girls. You cannot compare them side by side and say, “What would you say if you met a girl who didn’t give head?” Sure, if I’m in a long term relationship and my girl likes it, I’ll lick the cookie butter off her spoon every now and again in the heat of the moment IF I FEEL LIKE IT. However, it should not be an expectation or benchmark for judging a guy’s prowess. That’s just idiotic and disastrous.

  1. Tom Skerritt

    I lost it at “tongue punching their saddlebags.” Bravo vis a vis the euphemisms.

    10 years ago at 9:01 pm
  2. Missing_The_South

    You lazy fuck. Like your attempts to please the loosest of women, this article is awful.

    10 years ago at 9:49 pm
  3. koliv001

    I actually felt bad for you when I read this. My first impression was, wow, this guy finds submissive, high maintenance, dependent women. Maybe it’s a new trend, or I’m just an odd sheep (though judging from my friends and my sorority sisters I doubt this) but I was raised to be strong and independent. I don’t rely on a man to buy me things, fix my car, or fight my battles. Personally if I was a dude, that would be a turnoff if a chick wanted those things from me. Also, if you’re woman is just laying there, or you do all of the work during the horizontal tango, you my friend have cold fish. In my experience of romping, I’m not just laying there twiddling my thumbs. My next thought was, how sad is it that an act of pleasuring a woman makes a man feel emasculated. Are you seriously telling me making a woman orgasm with your mouth makes you feel less of a man? I know when I’m going down on a man (which is just as uncomfortable and unpleasant, don’t try and tell me you can’t compare, until you suck a twinkie and get the pleasuring of ingesting the cream filling, don’t talk to me) I feel empowered knowing that I am bringing him such joy. You are right that oral is not something that is a necessity, as in NO ONE is ENTITLED to head. Getting the job done the old fashion way though is not always a viable option, and is no means related to your competency as a man or your sexual prowess. 25% of women consistently orgasm through the “old fashion way.” And as one of the 75% who need stimulation, I’m going to be real with you. The orgasm you get via a hand is no where near as amazing as by the tongue. Now I’m not saying it’s a deal breaker. If you don’t want to lick my kitty that’s cool, but don’t expect me to go polish your pole (I probably wouldn’t stick around but I wouldn’t say it’s a deal breaker). Relationships are all about give and take. Reading this makes me think you my friend might have trouble down the road.

    10 years ago at 10:47 pm
    1. JustForTheStory

      If you’re going to write a diatribe of bullshit, at least use paragraphs so it’s easier to flush down.

      10 years ago at 11:21 pm
    2. JustForTheStory

      I admit I didn’t actually read your post, I just wanted to make the paragraph comment (which apparently was not well-received and for that I take laps). Good points.

      10 years ago at 2:57 am
    3. Jtinab2

      Hahaha..I was thinking he sounds like he has some issues also. If I felt like a guy thinks what I have is disgusting I wouldn’t even want to be with him. Seriously dude, you’re going out with that many girls who don’t shower and shave?

      10 years ago at 1:11 pm
  4. kitten123

    Sounds like youve been sleeping with some nasty women, theres your first problem. Second apparently your balls havent dropped yet. You give and take…not take and take some more. Quit sleeping with dirty women and man up. Trust me your “one eyed yogurt slinger” isnt a bed of roses. 🙂

    10 years ago at 11:11 pm
  5. longhornfan21

    I really can’t believe that a reasonable, intelligent person would write something as disgustingly sexist as this. Of course one should never feel obligated to do something sexual unless they want to, and if going down on girls isn’t something you enjoy, then it’s understandable that you don’t do it. But excuse me, “oral is a much different experience for guys than it is for girls”?! Obviously there are many girls who enjoy giving oral, just as there are guys different from you who do as well. But are you ignorant enough to think think that overall, and for the majority of girls, it is an enjoyable activity? It is physically uncomfortable, tedious and unpleasant, as well as a submissive, vulnerable, and ultimately selfless activity for women. It is JUST AS unreasonable to expect a girl to go down on you as it is for her to expect the same. The reason many of us do it is because we care about the people we’re sexually active with, and it is something we know our partners enjoy even if we don’t. Although not physically pleasurable, it can be enjoyable watching our partners become stimulated. But my real issue with your article is your blatant, stone age sexism: “That thing needs to be waxed or shaved, and it should be cleaner than a Mormon’s criminal background check,” and “I get a nice, upper body workout swiping my fucking credit card and carrying shit that’s too heavy for her. Don’t forget carrying her when her heels hurt her feet, fixing her car, fighting her battles–and in the bedroom, who’s the one thrusting? That’s right, it’s me. For all the work I put into wearing the pants, I shouldn’t be expected to clean out her gutter as some sort of job prerequisite.” Do you maintain your pubic area? If you do, that’s your choice. As her maintenance is hers. Having a preference on your partner’s pubic hair is fine, but demanding she follow your wishes and being so violently disgusted with the thought of an unshaven vagina is insulting and immature. Have all the girls you’ve been with worn high heels, made you fix her car, insisted you always be on top and carry heavy shit? Maybe they have. But all your insinuations that women are weak, pathetic little creatures who insist a big strong man pay for their things and act as a dutiful butler and fight their battles for them is disgusting. All these comments of yours, along with your repulsion at performing a “submissive” act for someone leads one to believe that you have some real issues with being perceived as the big, dominant, manly man you think you are. Your sexual preferences are yours and you don’t have to explain them to anyone, but for God’s sakes, grow up and stop referring to women in such pitiful ways.

    10 years ago at 12:49 am
    1. BigCMoney

      If you can’t see the satyrical nature of this article you’re on the wrong site…stick to TSM

      10 years ago at 7:14 pm
    2. Nauseatingly Entertaining Degenerate

      I can smell the stench of coalburning feminist harpy through my screen after reading the first few lines.

      10 years ago at 9:41 pm
    3. Jtinab2

      I was equally as disgusted, and before any guy says anything you don’t have top be a “feminist” to feel this way, just female. It seems strange that a guy would hate it THAT much and not be gay.

      10 years ago at 1:18 pm
  6. Stealthmoose

    This annoyed me enough to create a profile to comment. Your article was sexist and full of disrespectful language and dangerous ideas. I am sorry that your life experiences have led you to feel this way.

    10 years ago at 1:29 am
  7. Breazy7

    I assume when you say “the old fashioned way,” you mean orgasming through penetration? You might be surprised how incredibly hard it is for a woman to get off by that alone. Even more so if they are under 35. Clit stimulation is the best way for most females… be that by tongue or fingers or other means. Maybe I’m just lucky to have a guy that enjoys doing that (I hardly ever have to make the request). But I certainly do agree with you on the hygiene. Squeaky clean.

    10 years ago at 3:07 am
    1. ellekeener

      Exactly. Not a lot of women cum via penetration. That’s why eating pussy is a requirement for many girls.

      10 years ago at 7:14 am
    2. ReaganYourMomsBush

      Hmmm, yup, i just checked and that is definitely a “you” problem, and not a “me” problem… sorry…

      10 years ago at 4:57 pm
    3. Nauseatingly Entertaining Degenerate

      Speaking of orgasms, the only way I could hope to achieve one with you in the vicinity is if your face had a pickaxe embedded in it.

      10 years ago at 10:03 pm