Why I’m Voting For Donald Trump

Donald Trump

The 2016 presidential election is heating up and heating up fast. Monday’s debate gave us a nice look into both Hillary and Donald and their stances on the important issues. It quickly turned into who could talk the loudest and who could insult the other the most. In that regard, Donald put Hillary in a body bag. While moderator Lester Holt was trying to damper his “talent” with the success of a first-grade teacher in rundown neighborhood, the rest of America was debating in their mind who they would be voting for.

There is a lot to look at when deciding a candidate. Who is going to supply the economy with a policy that will lead to long-term growth, increase jobs for the middle class, and make this country as tax efficient as possible. Foreign policy and combating ISIS is also a pressing need that this country needs right now. Lots of things to research to make an informed decision. We need someone who is going to do all of these things and make America great again.

So in an effort to make that informed decision of who I am going to vote for, I hit the books. I did some extensive research trying to find something that would give me, and America an edge. Out of all the books I went through, the one I found most useful was the sports book. I spotted Trump at a respectable number on sportsbook and headed over to my site, Bovada, to get some action.


Yes, that’s right. The Trumpster is a +200 underdog right now in the race. If I have a chance to double my money, that guy is going to get my vote every single time. Who would vote for Hillary knowing that she’s only paying out $0.36 on the dollar? I thought she was trying to get rid of the wage gap. Pretty easy to see here that Trump is willing to pay out more. Wake up people. Hillary is at it again with her lying ways. Think about the economics of this decision. You are doubling your money by betting on Trump to win, and then following it up with a vote for Donald. With Hillary, you’re basically losing money by voting for her. Do you want to lose money or double your money? That’s what I thought.

Now, Gary Johnson sits in the “other” category, and while I believe he deserves more recognition than he’s getting, I just can’t put money on him. That’s like putting money in your favorite team to win the championship even though they are sitting with one loss and have a very slim chance to make it to the playoff. You’re just losing money at that point. We live in a money-in, money-out world. The name of the game is to take the money out of your bookie’s wallet and into yours.

So everyone get out there and vote for Trump because a vote for Donald is a vote for my bank account, and yours too if you get in on the action.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Coolnamewastaken

    All of the SJW nonsense we hate will accelerate under Hillary and become a part of law under a liberal Supreme Court. I can’t believe fraternity men would support that.

    Trump may have little government experience but Hillary’s wealth of experience has been a disaster. She’s been an abject failure at everything – except crooked business deals and crony capitalism.

    8 years ago at 1:12 pm
    1. fratsohardUn1versity

      I would like this twice. This anti white straight male, PC, censoring SJW shit has gotten out of control. Trump to me is symbolic of the tremendous push back we are seeing about it all. He may not be prefect by we need a backbone to stand up to these hateful sjws

      8 years ago at 4:26 pm
  2. SirCarlosIII

    The only reason either one of them has a chance at the presidency is because they are running against each other. McCain and Romney would blow out Hillary and any decent human being would beat Trump. Republicans fucked up BIG TIME when we elected Trump. All of this is fucked and I’m genuinely scared of whoever wins.

    8 years ago at 1:31 pm
  3. txstatePKE

    Wake up people a vote for Hillary is a vote for more of the same. More of the same policy’s that have put us at a record 18 Trillion in debt, 60,000 companies leaving the country in the last 10 years, and more taxes on big government programs that help less than 10% of the population. 1.5 Trillion is how much we are paying for Obamacare for a program that doesn’t even give us free health care how is this smart spending? A vote for Trump cuts all this worthless spending and puts that money into stimulating the economy and protecting our border. Let’s make these jobs come back to America

    8 years ago at 2:42 pm
    1. billybudd

      Are you high? 47 major companies have left the US in the past 10 years where the fuck are you getting 60,000? $1.5 trillion for Obamacare over 10 YEARS. Which is a drop in the fucking bucket compared to $600 billion in defense spending yearly. So exactly what spending cuts are you referring to? Because his plan as of right now is to cut every program by 1% per year, except of course the 2 largest budget programs by far, defense and entitlement programs. I’m not even close to a liberal but your facts are so fucking off. I guess that’s to be expected from a Trump supporter though.

      8 years ago at 7:56 pm
  4. Bmichaels

    There was a time when a successful billionaire businessman who doesn’t take shit from anyone was considered frat. This website and its users are dying.

    8 years ago at 3:06 pm
    1. Joshman213

      I’d say that’s still the case. But when it comes to those businessmen trying to run our country? Well let’s just say there are way more men who are way way more qualified. Politicians and businessmen

      8 years ago at 4:38 pm
    2. ShockTop

      Would you elect the biggest “frat star” in your fraternity as your fraternity president?

      8 years ago at 11:06 am
  5. Gun_Slinger

    Lowering the corporate income tax rates will do wonders for middle class workers, distributors, retailers…really everybody with a pulse.

    If he ran on nothing else, he has my vote on that alone.

    8 years ago at 3:36 pm
  6. TheFlexMaster

    Why I’m voting for Johnson? Because neither people in the Trump nor Clinton camp have come up with a slogan this good:


    8 years ago at 8:56 am