Why The SEC Is Bullshit

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If any of you southerners came here hoping that this was going to be an excoriation of the way that the Securities Exchange Commission operates, you’re in for a world of disappointment. The SEC I’m talking about here is, indeed, the Southeastern Conference, and specifically the cloud of fuckery surrounding it when it comes to football. So strap yourselves in, Tigers, Gators, Bulldogs, and every moron who’s ever yelled “Roll Tahd!” because it’s going to get ugly. For all you guys outside the bottom right of our fair country, grab some popcorn and enjoy. I’m about to piss off half the TFM readership in one column. This should be fun.

Let’s start with how the polling system is biased. Most people will claim that preseason polling is useless and has no real bearing on the game. This is certainly true if you look at polls as indicators of how teams will shake out in the season. However, they’re extremely important in terms of maintaining a ranking. See, it’s much harder to climb the polls as the season goes on if you were underrated going in. Conversely, if you start in the top 10 and play in the SEC, you have to REALLY shit the bed to drop out of the rankings. It’s because the conference itself is set up to allow that.

The SEC is almost like a commune in the way that it mutually weakens itself in order to raise up the whole. (That’s right, SEC fans. I just compared your conference to a hippie, communist retreat.) See, the conference realizes that if it only plays a minimal number of games against the teams that make it up and schedules only powderpuff teams as its non-conference opponents, it can preserve the “competitive integrity” of the conference. It’s easy to write off a loss as acceptable when it’s against “yet another powerhouse SEC team.” You’ll have teams end up with 9-3 and 8-4 records that still easily rank in the top 25, which is ridiculous, given that half of their wins are against garbage teams and their three losses are to “premier” teams within their own conference. The only reason that they’re considered premier is because they started that way in the first place. It’s like a snake eating its own tail, except the tail is a dick, and the snake’s mouth is every ESPN mouthpiece paid to laud the SEC’s deified status.

As of the last decade or so, the SEC has also built its reputation as a defensive powerhouse. No matter who shows up at an SEC team’s doorstep, or how complex that team’s offense, its defense is too overpowering to handle. The SEC’s championship run from 2006 to 2012 was unprecedented and seems to bear this out, right? I’ll admit, it’s definitely impressive, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First of all, it’s not everyone else’s damn fault that THE Ohio State shit the bed–twice–because they’re fucking overrated and play nobody and yet still get the benefit of the polls. Then you have the year Oklahoma got thumped by Florida, which happened to be the year of the controversial three-way tie between OU, Texas, and Texas Tech–the latter two teams were certainly more prepared to face the Tebow-led Gators. Then Alabama beat Texas after Colt McCoy went down with an injury, and with the way that game looked, only the most delusional Roll Tahder would believe that ‘Bama could have pulled that one out if McCoy had stayed healthy. Then Auburn had the miracle drive against Oregon, where they were bailed out by a couple inches of air between Michael Dyer’s knee and the ground. Then Alabama played LSU, which was a win-win for the SEC, in spite of the fact that neither team could score a fucking touchdown. And that’s not even talking about the egregious exclusion of Oklahoma State–its offense would have torn both of those vaunted defenses to shreds.

How do I know that? Because Texas A&M and Missouri have shattered this idea that SEC defenses are unassailable. They’re unassailable, because prior to those two schools’ inclusion in the conference, SEC teams couldn’t pass to save their lives. They acted like ground and pound was their preferred strategy, and not simply a product of the fact that they couldn’t get a real quarterback to save their lives. A&M beat Alabama in Tuscaloosa its first year in the conference, and Missouri won the East its second season in. Their combined record is 35-15 since joining the SEC. Let’s also not forget that neither team was particularly dominant in the Big 12, either. Perhaps the proof is that outside offenses are actually very well suited to beat SEC defenses, provided they have the time to adjust. One game with no previous playing experience versus each other does not proof of superiority make.

But at least the SEC is an NFL talent-producing powerhouse, right? Since the 2007 draft (which mostly means the recruiting class of 2003) there have been only 21 schools that had more than 25 NFL players. Five of them are SEC teams. Impressive. Oh, and five of them are ACC teams. Hmm. Oh wait–the Big Ten has five teams on that list, too. Weird.

Thankfully, it looks like all of this is changing for the better. Oklahoma stomped Alabama in their bowl game last year. Naturally, since Oklahoma is returning its quarterback and most of its starters–while ‘Bama lost a slew of its best players, including its four-year starting quarterback–OU will be ranked higher than Alabama, and Alabama will be appropriately placed in the preseason polls.

Oh wait, Alabama’s ranked No. 2 somehow? And Georgia is 12, even after going 8-5 last year and losing Aaron Murray?

Same bullshit, different year.

Fuck the SEC.

Image via Twitter

  1. Stevomac102

    Someone sounds butthurt… the SEC bowl game record since 2006 is 49-25, no better way to assess how conferences stack up against each other than when they actually play. Your obviously biased big 12 conference went 32-30 barely positive and just for numbers the acc went 28-39. And the sec won 6/7 championships. So next time you want to bash a conference for being “inflated” actually check the one time a year inter conference games take place. Just throwing out your own numbers and overlooking the most data is biased. Idk if this comment even matters though because the comment section seems to care about south vs north.

    10 years ago at 12:19 am
  2. tstatefratter

    So, this writer is some (more overweight than his picture suggests) guy from Abilene Christian University, a small community college-esque school in the middle-of-nowhere east Texas. He’s a Texas Tech and Cowboys fan (poor guy). It would appear his boredom and lack of excitement in his own teams has led him to develop a deep hatred of the SEC and their success. I won’t say the SEC is the best conference in NCAAF, but it can’t be argued that it is a perennial powerhouse that continues to put out a large group of quality teams on a regular basis. Oh, and his beloved Red Raiders have one possibly difficult out of conference game this year; the rest are practice games. And it’s Arkansas. That’s an SEC team for all you kids at home. It’s amazing what a little internet research will teach you.
    Brought to you by one of those idiots in the south.

    10 years ago at 12:29 am
  3. blackoutandyellow

    Does anyone else find it interesting that the article failed to mention the time Alabama raped Notre Dame in the title game? I honestly don’t even think rape is strong enough of a word.

    10 years ago at 12:42 am
  4. Frastradamus

    SEC schools are pathetic because football is the only thing good about these schools. These Universities are subpar compared to Univirties in the Pac 12

    10 years ago at 12:46 am
    1. UnKappaFifth

      How about 2 teams in the Final 4 last year? How about Vanderbilt winning the baseball national title? How about Florida winning the softball national title? PAC 12 is for pussies and liberals who are actually the same

      10 years ago at 1:38 pm
  5. Frastradamus

    Its pathetic that SEC schools only redeemable factor is their football. Besides that these schools are horseshit. No joke California schools take a shit on the SEC and anybody who harbors ill will against the north needs to fucking get over it. The Civil War ended over 150 years ago, the north kicked the souths racist’ asses to the curb and tore them a new anus Oakland style. No I am not a California gdi, I am just educated and cultured unlike you degenerate fucks.

    10 years ago at 12:55 am
    1. Pokey

      Your either butthurt because Dorn paid you a visit last night or because of the fact that your barnyard school doesn’t belong in any relevant conference. If any SEC school played Davis, they would ride you all over the field (since that’s all aggies are good for).

      10 years ago at 11:46 pm
  6. FratesaurusRex

    I mean USC (not those gamecock fucks who call South Carolina USC), defined the term “Dynasty”, The Trojans were the most winningest team in the BCS era of the NCAA, no SEC came close to touching their level of play, and then dick boy Nick Saban wins a few (one a against the overrated assfucks of Notre Dame) and everyone sucks his balls… Fuck the SEC, and Fight On.

    10 years ago at 1:04 am
  7. NSimon1

    You’re fucking insane if you actually think Oklahoma State would’ve torched Bama’s or LSU’s defenses in 2011.

    10 years ago at 1:09 am
    1. Greg Maddux

      As an LSU fan, I was praying for Oklahoma State to make it into the NC game in 2011. Then, they lost to an unranked Iowa State team. I’m guessing the author thinks Iowa State’s defense was better than LSU or Alabama?

      10 years ago at 12:31 pm