Mailbag: Why Trump Should Be President, As Written By A College Freshman
My political opinion doesn’t matter. At all. I know so little about politics that I thought Political Science was a show on C-SPAN hosted by John Brenkus.
That’s why, unlike other journalists (I have a Journalism degree, screw you), I am not going to push my own personal agenda on you in a holier-than-thou attempt to convert you over to “the good guys,” or make fun of you for even considering voting for “the worst candidate ever.” I’m just not going to touch the subject. Me telling you who to vote for is like a Jewish waiter recommending you order either the BLT or the pork chop, or Adam Sandler using his Second Amendment right to defend himself against a nighttime home invader — it’s a complete shot in the dark (by a Jew). I cast my ballot already, but it doesn’t matter for whom — all that matters is I cast it, and you should cast yours too before polls close tomorrow.
I am, however, interested in why our readers are voting the way they are. We recently received the below submission, which was titled something along the lines of “Why Trump should be president as written by a college freshman in 15 minutes with zero regard for grammar,” wherein a freshman laid forth the reasoning behind his decision to vote for Trump. Check it out.
Donald Trump may seem to most like a representation of the establishment as a multimillionaire and a major public figure but he is the opposite. Obama’s administration literally represents the establishment and Hillary has stated more than 100 times that she supports all of Obama’s decisions and will basically do everything exactly how he did. Trump’s administration directly opposes the Obama administration and is therefore anti establishment. Therefore if you don’t agree with Obama obviously your only choice is to vote for trump. Under the Obama administration racial tensions and rioting has steadily increased to levels near that of the 1960s where there have been mass shootings and violent race riots nationwide, under the clinton administration race relations would continue to increase it is 2016 why on earth is racial conflict even a thing? Who the hell wants to vote for a president who causes conflict?
A common criticism of Trump is the fact that he makes wild comments which is true, but at the sametime everyone makes those kinds of comments but rather than say them in public they keep them to themselves. Trump is a very confident man who does not hold his feelings back which is a strong quality of an honest person. Trump is clearly a very honest person he always expresses his opinion the way he truly feels rather than is very untruthful opponent Hillary who has lied countless times. Hillary has been under investigation from the FBI for lying multiple times honestly who on earth wants a president in office who has been investigated by the FBI multiple times for lying?
TL;DR — This kid likes his candidates to be anti-establishment, anti-Obama, unifying, and honest in a “tell it like it is” way, which is why he says he’s voting for Trump.
If any college freshman readers want to send us a couple hundred words on why they’re voting for Hillary, we’d love to see what you have to say..
To read a college senior’s response to this freshman’s reasoning, click here.
Image via Andrew Cline /
Yes because Trump is definitely going to do such a great job de-escalating race relations. And if anyone with half a brain and basic knowledge about finance still thinks Trump would be good for the economy fuck you you’re wrong, look at what the markets have been doing the past several days with Trump’s poll numbers rising.
8 years ago at 9:42 amYou’re a fucking idiot.
8 years ago at 9:44 amtrump is actually great for the business of healthcare and domestic energy.
8 years ago at 9:49 amThe economy fell off a cliff on charts for about 3 days after Brexit and it not only returned to normal but has actually risen since. The economy slowing before an election is not the fault of Trump, it’s the fault of people who are in charge and are fighting Trump with absolutely everything they possibly can push.
8 years ago at 10:07 amBrexit hasn’t happened. They’ve only voted to have Brexit. The real fallout doesn’t happen until Article 50 is triggered. The pound is still at record lows bc of the vote, and Chambers of Commerce more than halved GDP growth prediction for next year, citing post-referendum uncertainty. There was no real logical reasoning behind Brexit, right-wing economic think tanks opposed it for a reason.
8 years ago at 10:32 am“It’s the fault of people who are in charge” you really have no idea how markets work, do you?
Not that I’m qualified to talk about macroeconomic issues or anything. But I know enough to understand that nobody is “in charge” of market prices. It’s just what all investors (rich, poor, liberal, and conservative) are willing to pay for a stock/bond/etc.
The fact that you think some person is secretly tanking market prices in order to keep a candidate from being elected is mind blowing.
8 years ago at 11:16 amHoly shit you’re dumb. Absolutely no understanding of how financial markets work. You think a bunch of democrats are sitting around a table deviously tanking prices so they can blame it on Trump? Take Econ 101 for me one time.
8 years ago at 11:53 amI’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you don’t read a whole lot about the UK. The pound stirling dropped faster than a girls panties on prom night and only recently rebounded because the high court system stated that Parliament had to vote on the issue before brexit could occur. This triggered the recent whiplash shown in the GBP/USD rate, because most economists and speculators agree that the government will ignore the popular vote and choose to remain a member of the EU in their semi-limited capacity, especially with reports coming out that anti-UK sentiment is rising in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland – which in turn could trigger votes in those countries in determining whether or not to remain a part of the UK.
Tl;dr: You’re a dumbass. Britain’s government is not going to let the country leave the EU. Trump knows less about economics than my 90 year old grandmother.
8 years ago at 4:42 pmlap me all you want, but you’re a college Freshmen you literally no nothing of how the world works and the consequences of your actions
8 years ago at 9:42 amYou “know” nothing about grammar.
8 years ago at 9:51 amRight. And the college senior who is three years older than a freshman knows everything there is to know about the world? The voting age is 18 for a reason, at that age you should be smart enough to make an educated decision come voting time, if not shame on you.
8 years ago at 11:04 amBiologically speaking, yes three years makes all the difference when it comes to decision making, particularly in males.
8 years ago at 6:08 pmBiologically speaking your frontal lobe is fully developed by age 18. Which is why 18 is the magic number when you get to make adult decisions about enlisting, voting, living on your own, smoking/tobacco, etc.
8 years ago at 11:25 amThat is not true at all, your neurochemical junctions and cognitive ability is not fully realized until you are 25. You must be 18, because you were arrogant enough to think you could pass off that blatant lie.
8 years ago at 6:09 pmAlso John Brenkus hosts sports science on ESPN not C Span
8 years ago at 9:43 amvia GIPHY
8 years ago at 9:47 amI’m trying to understand why anyone would vote for Hillary and I still cannot fathom it. The only way someone would vote for Hillary seems to be they just hate Trump more. It is sad to me that people will vote for such a liar and corrupt candidate. I don’t like some of the things Trump says, but this hurt feelings bullshit is just talk. Actions speak louder than words, and Hillary has plenty of absolutely ludicrous actions. So go ahead and vote for Hillary because that meanie pants over there hurt your delicate feelings, and watch the country continue in a downward spiral into an inevitable welfare state that continues to support democrats and big government because they can’t fend for themselves without it. That’s really what “Stronger together” means. You can’t do it on your own, so let everyone else help (see: feed and fund) you.
8 years ago at 9:44 amThis was worse than the article. Eek
8 years ago at 10:01 amDid you just say “eek” you pussy ass bitch?
8 years ago at 12:48 pmBecause some of us think long-term, and know that Trump can and will delegitimize America’s right wing for years to come. We’re trying to minimize the fallout his populistic ramblings will present to real conservative principles being passed in this country. Barry Goldwater is rolling in his grave every minute Trump is the standard bearing for American Conservatism. I didn’t even vote Hillary (Johnson all the way), but I fully recognize why someone in a swing state may choose to vote against Trump (unless of coarse they genuinely agree with Hillary).
8 years ago at 10:25 amSo you’d rather have Hillary in office. Gotcha.
8 years ago at 10:33 amYeah once Hillary grants 22 million illegal immigrants citizenship and voting rights “real conservatism” is gonna make a huge comeback in 2020.
8 years ago at 5:32 pmI wouldn’t vote for Trump with a gun to my head. He has proven literally HUNDREDS of times that he is a shitty businessman. You take the same “small” loan he got from his dad and put it in a hedge fund, and it’s worth twice what he’s worth without a trail of shit behind it. He has ripped off most everyone who has done any work for him. And not paying your bills is NF. I don’t give a flying fuck what he says about pussy or fat chicks. But I do want my president to be successful and pay their fucking bills. And he does neither. He’s talked shit about every demographic in this country and now wants their votes? He made fun of veterans long before this shit show of a race, and I’m one of them. I served and I don’t take that shit lightly. He’s a way bigger liar than that fat ass Clinton. At least she has kept her lies straight. His miserable ass can’t even do that. Fuck him and his orange self. You put a -D by his name and there is not a Republican on planet earth that would vote for him. And on top of all that, I hate whiney fucking crybabies. And that’s all he is. Now everything is rigged according to him…
The polls
The court system
The debates
The media
The Emmys
Just because something doesn’t go your way doesn’t mean it’s rigged. Do you know what actually is rigged? Casinos. They are rigged to always favor the house. But somehow he managed to bankrupt six of them. He fucked up the unfuckupable.
8 years ago at 10:39 amYou are an idiot. Stopped reading at the easily debunked “if Trump had put that loan in a hedge fund”; yeah that would be great except then he wouldn’t have been able to spend any of it. Plenty of rich heirs absolutely squander their fortunate, Trump consistently ranks as one of the top 150 richest men on Earth. His business acumen cannot be questioned.
8 years ago at 11:05 amYet Trump still supports anti-free market protectionist economic policies (derided by entrepreneurs like Mark Cuban and Warren Buffet) that would send the US economy into a tailspin.
8 years ago at 11:20 amWanting fair trade deals that benefit the American people instead of just the 1% of multinational corporation executives isn’t protectionism, it’s being smart and what every other nation on earth does.
8 years ago at 11:26 amAccording to research by both the American Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute, protectionism hurts all Americans, especially lower income Americans. Another free-market publication, The Economist, found that protectionism really only benefits the elite “1%” that protectionists seem to constantly rave against. All present evidence seems to disagree with you.
8 years ago at 12:09 pmYou mean the two think tanks full of establishment Republicans and #NeverTrump’ers don’t agree with his policies? Shocking.
8 years ago at 5:08 pmFirst of all, you need to look up debunk in the dictionary. Secondly, you are the idiot if you believe that Trump is worth what he claims. Forbes has repeatedly said that he is a “low-grade billionaire” at best, and that he pockets far less profit than he claims. The fact that he’s selling off his assets, including $7 million in fund assets and $9 million in individual securities, to cover his campaign debt, tells anyone with any sense that he doesn’t have the cash he claims to have. If he is drowning in money, why is he selling shit to raise cash? I’ll answer for you… Because he is a fucking liar. And not even a good one. With that said, before the presidential bid, Trump employees and people on his financial team have said his net worth is closer to $250 million. Since the bid, numerous financial experts have said his total debt is somewhere between $315 million and $500 million, and possibly more.
Probably a good reason to not pay your bills or release your tax returns.
8 years ago at 12:25 pmWell to be fair most of those entities are rigged for the democrat party, he’s just an idiot for thinking it would be any other way.
8 years ago at 11:37 amClinton in the White House is honestly terrifying. Lock her up
8 years ago at 5:29 pmAm I the only one that’s ready for this national shit show to be done?
8 years ago at 9:46 amHillary scares me. Trump terrifies me. This kid’s writing skills offend me. He’s actually in college?
8 years ago at 9:57 amProbably Texas State.
8 years ago at 6:18 pmClinton is possibly the most corrupt, bought-and-paid-for, ideologically slanted and outright inept candidate ever. How anyone looks at her as being presidential in any way is beyond me.
8 years ago at 10:21 amCorruption and ineptitude not presidential? Have you looked at the last 24 years?
8 years ago at 10:26 amAt least that long. My general thinking is, we’ve had a Hillary type before (Nixon) and ended up more or less fine. (Not perfect or awesome, fine.) We’ve never had anyone as stupid and petulant and as lacking in even basic self-control as Trump. I can’t vote for that. I think Evan McMullin — a true conservative — pretty perfectly nails why Trump is unfit for office. I also agree with what someone else said above. Electing Trump fucks the GOP in the long term. Not even that long, honestly. I can’t imagine Republicans not getting slaughtered in the midterms after 2 years of Trump in office. Let alone what happens after four.
8 years ago at 10:38 amListen I fucking despise Hillary, and I didn’t vote for her, but you’re a moron if you vote for the guy that asked three separate times in a closed door meeting why we aren’t allowed to nuke people whenever we want. (That’s Trump)
8 years ago at 12:38 pmShould we have not nuked Japan?
8 years ago at 5:34 pmIs mailbag back?
8 years ago at 1:30 pm